Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
The aerial photographs were scanned with a pixel size of 14 
microns. At this photo scale, the nominal pixel ground 
sample distance is 35 cm. The complete set of image scans 
has a storage requirement of 150GB. 
The main software components that were used to perform the 
geometric calibration of the OrbView-3 satellite are: 
Alignment Kalman Filter, orbit determination, image 
correlator, and multi-sensor triangulation. Each of these is 
described in sections below. The image correlator and the 
triangulation software were also used to build the Geometric 
Calibration Range. 
3.1 Alignment Kalman Filter 
The exterior attitude orientation of the OV-3 satellite is 
determined by using star trackers and gyroscopes. The star 
trackers provide an absolute attitude reference at a discrete 
sampling rate. The gyros provide relative attitude changes 
at a fast sampling rate. The data from the star trackers and 
gyros is blended in a Kalman filter to estimate the platform 
attitude in an absolute attitude reference frame at a high 
sample rate with good relative attitude changes. 
In order to obtain accurate platform attitude estimates the 
geometric calibration process needs to determine the 
alignment angles between the star trackers and the gyros 
coordinate axes. This is accomplished by carrying these 
alignment angles as parameters to be estimated in an 
algorithm called the Alignment Kalman Filter. Additional 
parameters estimated by the Alignment Kalman Filter 
include: gyro bias and scale factors. This filter can be 
thought of as a self-calibration process. For the alignment 
angles to be observable (estimable), the spacecraft has to 
maneuver through a sufficient volume of 3D attitude space 
and at different angular rates. The alignment angles between 
the gyro and camera axes are determined in the triangulation 
3.2 Orbit Determination 
The orbit determination software is Gipsy-Oasis and is 
maintained by JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Gipsy-Oasis 
contains sophisticated orbital models that include 
components such as: gravity model, drag model, stochastic 
force model, and a GPS receiver model. Precision orbit 
determination uses the Rapid Product from the IGS 
(International GPS Service) for post-processed GPS 
3.3 Image Correlator 
A flexible and efficient image correlator is key to the cost 
effective use of controlled aerial photography for control 
point generation. Since the image correlator needs to locate 
common image points in both the aerial and satellite 
imagery, it must work well with non-homogenous image 
sets. The differences between the aerial and satellite imagery 
an be caused by temporal effects, such as fields with 
different crops, or by image scale and rotation. The image 
correlator reduces scale and rotation differences by 
rectifying both image sources to the same scale and 
orientation. The rectification is performed on the fly. The 
image correlation is performed on the rectified imagery and 
the image coordinates of the match points are transformed 
back into the coordinate systems of the original images. 
3.4 Multi-Sensor Triangulation 
Triangulation software is used to estimate the camera 
calibration parameters. This software needs to be rigorous, 
flexible and robust. The design of the triangulation software 
follows an object oriented approach that includes a 
framework structure, utilities and a Developers Took Kit 
(DTK). The DTK is the used to rapidly bring in new sensor 
models. The formal division between framework and sensor 
factory allows the sensor developer to focus in on the sensor 
I/O and math model in the DTK and the framework contains 
the memory management and the least squares adjustment 
engine [Mulawa 2000]. The OV-3 geometric camera 
Calibration model contains parameters to model the interior 
orientation, distortion and camera alignment to platform. 
The on-orbit geometric calibration of a system having as 
many sensors as a high resolution imaging satellite takes 
place over a period of time and is accomplished by the 
achievement of milestones events. lt is this method that is 
used in this paper to describe the geometric calibration 
process. The calibration process has many experts involved 
in tuning and calibration of the sensor components that they 
are responsible for. While a substantial amount of work is 
done in parallel by the geometric calibration team members 
on sensor components, there is also a sequential approach to 
bringing the system into calibration. For example: camera 
focus, orbit determination and the attitude determination 
systems must be calibrated prior to completion of the camera 
calibration. The camera calibration is the last step in the on- 
orbit calibration of the satellite. 
4.1 Milestone Events 
OV-3 Launched 2003 July 26 
First Image 2003 July 27 
Initial Calibration of the Attitude 2003 July 27 
Determination System 
; ; : 2 22 
Coarse Boresight Adjustment 2003 Aug 22 
Final Camera Focus Adjustment 005 Sep 0 
Orbit determination model tuned and | 2003 Sep 17 
^ an 2003 Sep 17 
Coarse geometric camera calibration 2 oe 
Refined calibration of the attitude 2003 Oct 03 
determination system 
2003 Nov 04 
Initial geometric camera calibration 
Table 1: OV-3 Geometric Calibration Milestone Events 
4.2 OV-3 Launched: 2003 June 26 
The launch vehicle performed well and placed OV-3 into its 
nominal orbit. The satellite beacon was heard on the first 
pass over the northern terminal. Command and control of 
the satellite was established. During the next month, the 
camera door remained closed while the satellite was out- 
gassed and was raised to its final orbit. À series of tests were 
performed to ensure the safe operation of the satellite. 
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