Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
TAG and the LN-200 to evaluate the performance of this 
device. The data of the April 2004 flight is under evaluation. 
First preliminary results might be presented in the close future. 
As for the future experiments in which the system is going to 
be used, two of them are remarkable. The first one will use the 
LN-200 for evaluating strapdown gravimetry methodology for 
computing a geoid model of Bolivia. For this project, the TAG 
will be used in a gravimetric measurement flight in Bolivia. The 
feasibility study will reveal the system’s capacity to deliver 
gravimetric information in airborne platforms. 
As good understanding of the IMUs is a key to good 
performance of inertial navigation, the IG is about to carry out a 
new experiment (GP-IMU-Bench) using TAG for capturing the 
raw data of all 4 IG IMUs (LN-200, Motion Pak 2, iVRU-SSK 
and INAV-FJI) in the same flight. The aim of this project is to 
have a dataset that allows to compare the performance of all IG 
IMUs under the same conditions and then use the results to 
support the other projects in which the TAG is being used. 
Fig.10 - Motion Pak 2 on IMU-Bench. 
It is intended to extend the field of actuation for the TAG 
system to the following fields in future experiments / projects: 
= land vehicles 
= robust / absolute navigation with high end IMU 
= further work with low cost instruments 
= further work with object oriented real-time 
With the TAG system the IG has a flexible and extensible 
system available for applied research purposes in inertial 
navigation. Given the numerous sensors of various kind and 
quality that can be connected to the system, it can be used in a 
wide range of experiments and research. The system’s 
applications can, for instance, be found in direct georeferencing 
of remote sensors, precise navigation, stabilization, strapdown 
gravimetry, real time solutions, etc. The system consists mainly 
of COTS HW components and own software developments for 
the drivers, the specific applications and the real time engine. 
While it proved its capacities in various experiments, further 
development and extensions for applied research and 
development purposes are planned in the close future. 
Bailey, D.L., Buhr,R.J.A.,1998. Introduction to Real- 
Time Systems:From Design to Networking with C/C++, 
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Colomina, I., Navarro, J., Térmens, A., 1992. GeoTeX: a 
general point determination system. /n: International Archives 
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 29-B3, ISPRS, 
pp. 656-664. 
Colomina, I., Creixell, F., 2002. A general INS/GPS system for 
remote sensing and geodesy. ISPRS Commission | Midterm 
Symposium, Denver. 
Colomina I., Giménez, M., Wis, M., Rosales, P., 2003. What 
can a skewed redundant IMU configuration do for 
photogrammetry? [SPRS Workshop WG 1/5: Theory, 
Technology and realities of inertial / GPS sensor orientation. 
Castelldefels. Spain. 
Colomina.l., Rosales, J.J., Gimenez,M.., Wis,M., Gomez. A., 
Miguelsanz, P., 2004, Redundant IMUs for precise trajectory 
determination. /SPRS congress 2004. Istanbul. Turkey 
Fisher P., 1998.A comparison of approaches. Real-Time 
Magazine 1998. 
Kornecki J.A.Zalewski J.,2000. Real-Time Software 
Development - concepts,design,implementation. The 
22nd International Canference on sofiware engineering 
ICSE, Limerick (Irland),June 5-6,2000. 
Petovello,M.G,Cannon,M.E,Lachapelle,G., Wang,J., Wilson, C.H 
.K.,Salychev,S.O.,Voronov, V.V., 2001. Development and 
Testing of a Real-Time GPS/INS Reference System for 
Autonomous Automobile Navigation. Proceedings of ION 
GPS-01, Salt Lake City, UT,September 11-14,2001. 
Salychev, O., 1998. Inertial Sensors in Navigation and 
Geophysics. Baumann MSTO Pres, Moscow, 1998. 
Schnider S., 1998. Concurrent and Real-time Systems. 
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Wis, M., Colomina, I., 2003. TAG (Trajectory, attitude and 
gravimetry). El sistema de captura de datos de navegaciôn 
dellnstitut de Geomatica. 5th Geomatic Week. Barcelona. 
The TAG experimental system has been continously developed 
since 1999 as an internal development project with the support 
of a number of European (European Regional Development 
Fund) and Catalan (DURSI) research funding organizations. 
The research reported in this paper has been as well partially 
supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, 
through the OTEA-g project of the the Spanish National Space 
Research Programme (reference: ESP2002-03687). 
The IG does not intend to compete with existing or future 
commercial inertial/GNSS systems with the developments 
described in this paper. 

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