Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BI. Istanbul 2004 
The basis of the algorithm used in this work is the slanted edge 
MTF measurement technique identified above. Details of the 
algorithm used are described below along with image and 
sensor characteristics of the OV-3 system. 
2.1 Algorithm 
2.1.1 Edge Identification: The initial task in MTF 
measurement is the identification of suitable edges for analysis. 
Edges must be oriented near the principal along scan or cross 
scan axes. A minimum angle to the principal direction is 
required as well as sufficient length for suitable ESF 
construction. The candidate edge must also meet contrast and 
noise requirements for selection. 
A Sobel edge detection operator followed by thresholding and 
binary morphological processing is used to identify edges with 
the proper orientation and minimum magnitude (Jain, 1989). An 
initial estimate of the location and angle of the edge is then 
determined by performing a least squares regression of selected 
points along the edge. For each identified edge, metrics are 
acquired such as the magnitude of the edge, noise level and 
length. These metrics are used in a voting process for edge 
selection and retained for later use in determining bias and 
precision estimates. 
2.1.2 Edge Spread Function Construction: The ESF is the 
system response to the input of an ideal edge. As the output of 
the system is a sampled image, the fidelity of the edge spread 
function using a single line of image data is insufficient for 
MTF analysis. Aliasing due to undersampling in the camera, 
along with phase effects and the angle of the actual edge with 
respect to the sampling grid will cause variable results for a 
single line. The phase effects and edge angle may be exploited, 
however to provide a high fidelity measurement of the ESF. 
Construction of the ESF is graphically represented in Figure | 
(Schott, 1997). The edge (1) is identified in the image as 
described above. A line is then constructed perpendicular to the 
edge (2). For a given line of image data, each point (3) around 
the edge transition is projected onto the perpendicular line (4). 
This process is then repeated for each subsequent line of image 
data along the edge. The difference in sub-pixel location of the 
edge with respect to the sampling grid for different lines in the 
image results in differences in the location of the projected data 
point onto the perpendicular. This yields a high fidelity 
representation of the system response to an edge. 
Small changes in the edge angle used during construction of the 
super-sampled edge affect the quality of the resulting ESF. The 
angle is systematically adjusted by small increments around the 
initial estimate. The quality of the resulting curve fit is used to 
refine the edge angle estimate for the final ESF construction. 
(3) Point 
in Image 
(4) Projected to 
(2) Perpendicular 
to Edge 
Figure 1. ESF Projection Technique 
After the individual ESF data points have been determined, the 
data must be conditioned and resampled to a fixed interval. In 
general, the angle of the edge with respect to the sampling grid 
does not produce uniformly distributed data points along the 
perpendicular to the edge. Also, with longer edges, many data 
points may be located in close proximity to one another. The 
LOESS curve fitting algorithm is used to resample the data to 
uniformly spaced sample points (Cleveland, 1985). In order to 
obtain the desired number of samples in the MTF result, thirty- 
two uniformly spaced ESF samples are calculated for each pixel 
pitch in the image through the LOESS fit. An example ESF 
from an OV-3 image is shown in Figure 2. Data points used in 
the curve fit are shown in black. The resulting curve fit to the 
ESF is shown in red. 
Edge Spread Function 
— 100 ] 
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Figure 2. Example ESF from OV-3 
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