Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
2.1.3 Modulation Transfer Function Calculation: Once 
the edge spread function has been determined, the MTF can be 
calculated as follows. The line spread function of the system is 
calculated by taking the numerical derivative of the equally 
spaced ESF samples. A Fast Fourier Transform is performed on 
the resulting LSF, the normalized magnitude of which yields 
MTF. Care must be taken in selecting the number of points 
calculated along the ESF with respect to the sampling rate in 
order to obtain the desired number of points in the resulting 
MTF. Appropriate scaling of the frequency axis of the MTF 
must also be performed to represent the calculated MTF in 
terms of the Nyquist frequency of the imaging system. The 
Nyquist frequency is defined as the highest sinusoidal 
frequency that can be represented by a sampled signal and is 
equal to one half the sampling rate of the system. 
2.2 Algorithm Calibration 
2.2.1 Calibration Approach: Once the algorithm has been 
developed, it is important to determine the accuracy and 
precision of the measurement tool. Identification of systematic 
errors can improve the overall accuracy of the measurement and 
quantification of precision allows error estimates to be 
associated with individual measurements. 
In order to characterize performance, images of synthetic edges 
were generated with varying edge characteristics such as edge 
magnitude, length, noise, angle and sharpness. As the edges are 
computer generated, the actual value of each parameter is 
known by construction. The MTF measurement algorithm is 
then run on each edge and results compared to the actual values. 
Surfaces are then fit to the measured bias and standard 
deviation as a function of edge characteristics. 
Subsequently, when an edge is analyzed from an operational 
image, the edge characteristics are also measured. Prior to 
reporting results from the algorithm, the measurement values 
are corrected for bias and an error estimate is assigned based on 
the fits obtained from the synthetic edges. 
2.2.2 Test Suite: In generating the test set, a preliminary 
experiment was performed to determine the edge characteristics 
that impact the bias and standard deviation of the results from 
the synthetic edges. The values of the parameters spanned the 
range expected to be obtained operationally from 1 meter GSD 
imagery. From the list of characteristics above, it was 
determined that the measurement bias and standard deviation 
was invariant to edge angle and edge sharpness. Note that while 
the edge measurement technique is invariant to edge angle, 
operationally, the edge angle is limited to small angles around 
the along scan and cross scan principal directions. 
A full scale experiment was then performed using eight values 
of edge magnitude, five values of noise standard deviation and 
eight levels of edge length. This results in 320 test cases. One 
hundred edges for each test case were then generated and 
analyzed, bringing the total experiment sample size to 32,000 
edges. For each edge constructed, the edge angle and sub-pixel 
edge location were randomized over small ranges. These 
variations, along with the actual Gaussian noise sequence, 
characterized by the noise standard deviation parameter, 
provided the various instances of edges used in the calibration 
2.2.3 Calibration Results: For each test case, consisting of 
a common edge magnitude, noise standard deviation and edge 
length, the mean and standard deviation of the MTF 
measurement at eight spatial frequency points were tabulated. A 
multiple parameter least squares regression was performed on 
the standard deviations with 93 degrees of freedom (Mandel, 
1964). The correlation coefficient of the regression for the 
Nyquist frequency is 0.92. Surface plots for the fit of the 
standard deviation of MTF measurements at the Nyquist 
frequency as a function of edge magnitude and noise standard 
deviation for two edge lengths are shown in Figure 3. 
Fit to Standard Deviation of Nyquist MTF 
o.06, Edge Length = 30 
Std. Dev. © 
Figure 3a. Surface fit for standard deviation of Nyquist MTF for 
edge length = 30 
Fit to Stondard Deviation of Nyquist MTF 
p.06: Edge Lengin = 60 
Qo L 
Std. Dev. ot Nyquist MTF 
Figure 3b. Surface fit for standard deviation of Nyquist MTF 
for edge length = 60 
Observe that the results of the regression follow intuition. For 
example, as the noise increases, the standard deviation of MTF 
increases or alternatively, confidence decreases. As edge 
magnitude increases, confidence increases and as edge length 
increases, confidence increases. 
The bias for each point is determined by subtracting the true 
value used to construct the edge from the mean value measured 
by the algorithm. Again, a multiple parameter least squares 
regression was performed on the measurement bias with 93 
degrees of freedom. The correlation coefficient of the 
regression for the Nyquist frequency is 0.63. A plot of the MTF 
bias at the Nyquist frequency as a function of test case number 
and the residual error after bias correction is shown in Figure 4. 

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