Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
including distortion parameters, as well as the ground 
coordinates of the points defining the object space line. Such a 
constraint does not introduce any new parameters and can be 
written for all intermediate points along the line in the imagery. 
The number of constraints is equal to the number of 
intermediate points measured along the image line. 
o^ o? 
| | 
LA -Z. 
x. =x — distortions x 
OK) , — distortions y 
X, e X, 
5e r-5 
12, -Z, 
“1 “0 
Figure 2: Perspective transformation between image and object 
space straight lines. 
As a special case of the above procedure, the treatment of 
control linear features (with known object coordinates of its end 
points) will be slightly different. The control line will provide 
the end points in the object space; hence, these end points need 
not be measured in any of the images and no collinearity 
equations will be written for any of the control lines. 
Subsequently, image space linear features are represented only 
by a group of intermediate points measured in all images. 
LIDAR straight-line features 
The growing acceptance of LIDAR as an efficient data 
acquisition system by researchers in the photogrammetric 
community led to a number of studies aiming at pre-processing 
LIDAR data. The purpose of such studies ranges from simple 
primitive detection and extraction to more complicated tasks 
such as segmentation and perceptual organization (Maas and 
Vosselman, 1999: Csathó et al., 1999; Lee and Schenk, 2001; 
Filin, 2002). 
In this paper, LIDAR straight line features will be used as a 
source of control for photogrammetric models. To extract such 
lines, suspected planar patches in a LIDAR dataset are 
manually identified with the help of corresponding optical 
imagery, Figure 3. The selected patches are then checked using 
a least squares adjustment to determine whether they are planar 
or not and to remove blunders. Finally, neighbouring planar 
patches with different orientation are intersected to determine 
the end points along object space discontinuities between the 
patches under consideration. 
In another approach to simplify the extraction process, intensity 
and range data recorded by the LIDAR system are utilized for 
direct measurement of linear features. Raw range and intensity 
data are first interpolated to a uniform grid using identical 
interpolation method and parameters. Linear features previously 
extracted from photogrammetry are then identified on the 
intensity image from which planimetric coordinates of line ends 
are measured while observing height readings from the range 
image, Figure 4. It is worth mentioning that the interpolation 
method and applied parameters have a visible effect on the 
accuracy of this approach. 
(a) (b) 
Figure 3: Manually identified planar patches within the LIDAR 
data (a) guided by the corresponding optical image (b). 
(a) à 
Figure 4: Manually measuring planimetric coordinates from 
intensity image (a) and height from range image (b). 
2.2 Approach 2: Using LIDAR lines in the absolute 
orientation of photogrammetric model 
This approach starts with generating a photogrammetric model 
through a photogrammetric triangulation using an arbitrary 
datum without knowledge of any. control information. The 
datum is achieved through fixing 7 coordinates of three well- 
distributed points in the bundle adjustment procedure. The next 
step is determining the elements of the absolute orientation 
parameters to align this photogrammetric model to the LIDAR 
reference frame using conjugate straight line segments. Both 
photogrammetric and LIDAR line segments are represented by 
their end points. These end points are not required to be 
conjugate. In this paper, a 3D similarity transformation is used, 
Equation 2. 
X. Xr X 
Y deze +S Ame LL: 0 
Z4 Zr Zz 
Where S is the scale factor, (X4 Y4 Z4). is the translation vector 
between the origins of the photogrammetric and LIDAR 
coordinate systems, R is the 3D orthogonal rotation matrix, (X, 
Y, Z,). are the point coordinates in one dataset, while (X4 YA 
Z4). are the point coordinates in the other. 
Referring to Figure 5, the two points describing the line 
segment from the photogrammetric model undergo a 3-D 
similarity transformation onto the line segment AB from the 
LIDAR dataset. The objective here is to introduce the necessary 
constraints to describe the fact that the model segment (12) 

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