Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
4.2 Two stage Kalman filter 
The state equation and the observation equation can be modified 
for the presence of a constant bias vector by 
oi + Bb, 3 T€, Q4) 
ym 4x, tC, t1, (25) 
x, = F,x, 
A new state vector can be defined as 
whe (26) 
E b, |$r 
so the state equation and the observation equation become 
z mZG TOE, (27) 
y, 7 Lz, tnl, (28) 
, [A ! & en em 
Z EL odit 
calo (30) 
Hd (31) 
The observation equation also can be trasformed. The optimal 
estimator and its covariance matrix are given by 
She 7 p] 7 7 2 
mA aO tE, (X, Ld) (32) 
um f T 
n eZ IH TES Oi GC. G (33) 
The variance equation can be modified partitioning the variance- 
covariance matrix 
mna ! 
Q, k Qu. In (34) 
a = 
e. o. Ox Tr 
This leads to decouple the estimation of the unbiased state 
vector and the bias vector, involving smaller matrices. Moreover, 
in many cases the bias vector can be estimated at lower 
frequency than the state vector, and this can be applied in GPS 
biases estimation to avoid excessive processor loading. Carrier 
phase ambiguities represent a special case of constant bias in 
GPS signal, but two stage Kalman filter can also handle slow 
varying biases and noisy biases, although this implies more 
complex equations. Discontinuous biases, such as carrier phase 
ambiguities that are discontinued by cycle slips, can be handled 
integrating quality control procedures in the two stage Kalman 
filter, as will be underlined in the following. 
4.3 Quality control 
The main error sources in GPS observations are clock jumps in 
the receiver clock, cycle slips, outlier and quasi random errors 
(mainly multipath, diffraction, ionospheric scintillation). Real time 
state space estimation requires robust quality control 
procedures, to be applied both to observation space and to 
parameter space, testing the correctness of the a priori stochastic 
model. The appropriate test statistic can be formulated in terms 
of predicted residuals, that have been already defined by the 
equations (17) and (18). To handle the various alternative 
hypothesis we make use of three steps, as suggested by 
(Teunissen, 1998): detection, identification and adaptation. 
e Detection: a global model test is performed on the 
whole observation set at a given epoch. In case of 
global model test failures, the identification step is 
e Identification: is used to identify the potential error 
e Adaptation: after identification is possible to cancel 
the detected and identified bias, correcting its effects 
in the state estimation. 
The DIA procedure can be designed for batch and for recursive 
solutions too. The recursive (epoch by epoch) form can be 
integrated with recursive estimators as Kalman filter. To test a 
null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis, the detection 
test value with y^ distribution is given by 
7, — V, Qr, (35) 
and depends on predicted residuals and their covariance matrix. 
In local identification the test value is 
where s— 0.0, dsl) Is a flag vector used to identify the 
observation to test. The Minimum Detectable Bias is given by 
MDB, = (37) 
where r is the redundance, or the trace of the redundance 
R= Qe. (38) 
After identification, the detected bias is compared with the MDB 
value, that is a treshold value used to identify meaninigful biases. 
If the bias candidate has a value less than the MDB, the 
observation is accepted. Otherwise the procedure continues with 
the adaptation step. In adaptation the state vector and its 
covariance matrix are corrected with 
an __ 20 TL C 
il ee K,s P, (39) 
Q^ =() (K S0. s KT (40) 
dA = kk kk By Á k 
where B, is the least square estimated bias vector and 2 its 
C B, 
variance, given by 

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