Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

stanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BI. Istanbul 2004 
surface of the objects. Position and orientation data were 
utilized to determine the viewing and illumination geometry 
relative to the object surfaces. Classification and field 
investigations were used to identify and delineate the sampled 
natural and built objects. Algorithms for reconstructing the 
image acquisition and retrieving image samples with known 
geometry were developed, implemented and tested. 
Directionally defined reflectance data were acquired to be used 
in correction for bidirectional effects on aerial images and for 
establishment of a bidirectional reflectance database. 
First experiments of the data show the potential of the method 
in the extraction of reflectance information from digital multi 
angular images. The use of high-resolution surface models for 
this purpose gives an interesting opportunity to investigate large 
objects in a detailed manner. If well defined, the objects under 
study will even be processed one by one and the data gathered 
from multiple instances of a same type of object can be 
combined in a convenient manner. 
Data also demonstrate the potential of using the bidirectional 
data in the extraction of tree species information; i.e. the 3D 
presentations for each of the species differ significantly from 
each other and the within species variation due to changes in 
viewing and sun angles is prominent (see figure 5). Thus, it 
seems that for example the tree species can be determined more 
reliable by using multi-angular measurements. 
The most remarkable angular uncertainty cumulates from the 
digital surface models. The accuracy of the surface orientation 
may be improved by replacing the image-based DSM with a 
surface model derived using a high density LIDAR data 
(Hyyppi et al., 2001; Kraus & Pfeifer, 1998; Pyysalo, 2000). 
This could provide more detailed and precise surfaces for 
BRDF sampling purposes. Also, improving the spatial and 
height resolution of the surface models to a corresponding 
image resolution or even better would be worth considering. 
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The Academy of Finland, Jenny and Antti Wihuri foundation, 
Finnish National Technology Agency and Foundation of 
Technology are gratefully acknowledged for financial support.

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