Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

2.2 LUMOS 
LUMOS is a cooperation project funded by German Ministry 
of Education and Research. 
On the basis of innovative sensor technology which is now 
available, a system for the air-supported recording of the traffic 
situation was designed, realized, and demonstrated within the 
framework of the project (LUMOS 2004). 
The whole chain of the system extends from the sensor 
technology - including a stabilized platform and image 
processing, via the data transmission to the ground - to a traffic 
center for the further processing of images in which the 
information will be refined with prognosis tools. An open 
interface ensures a multi-facetted utilization of the information 
by multiple user groups. 
The central technological challenges were located in the 
software area, ie. in the development of suitable image 
processing procedures and the already above mentioned traffic 
simulation and prognosis tools. The prognosis plays a key role 
and serves the bridging of inevitably occurring time-gaps in the 
recording by the airplane. lt thus contributes considerably to 
added value and the acceptance of air-supported monitoring. 
3.1 Airborne Platforms 
Within the two above mentioned projects different airborne 
platforms were applied. Their advantages and disadvantages, 
the environmental conditions and the user specified traffic 
parameters define a compliance matrix. 
31.1. Zeppelin 
From all available airborne platforms a Zeppelin (ZLT 
Friedrichshafen / Germany, Figure 1) was chosen for the 
project “Eye in the sky" firstly. The main advantages of the 
airship in comparison to helicopters or airplanes are: 
= large payloads possible 
= highly manoeuvrable 
= hovering for several hours 
= low flying platform 
= low vibrations 
Disadvantages of the Zeppelin, including the special ground 
based infrastructure needed and expensive flight hours, were 
deemed insignificant in light of the overall goals of the project. 
Figure 1. Zeppelin on a mobile anchor mast 
3.1.2 Airplane 
Airplanes are available almost everywhere and allow a quick 
access in order to perform test campaigns. DLR used a Grand 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
Commander 608 for its test flights. For scanning tasks (e.g 
road survey) airplanes are well suited. 
3.1.3 Helicopter 
Helicopters have almost the same positive properties 
concerning traffic monitoring as Zeppelins, but the operating 
time is significantly lower. For our test campaigns a Bell 206 
was applied. 
3.2 Camera systems 
DLR used its competence on the field of opto-electronic 
systems and applied a number of different camera systems in 
order to evaluate their parameters and to define configurations 
being able to satisfy user specified tasks. A combination of 
different sensors seems to be very promising. 
3.2.1 Visible Camera 
Traffic monitoring requires high quality images. Therefore, a 
set of camera parameters was defined in order to fulfil these 
One of the most important features is the radiometric dynamics 
describing the number of bits per pixel per channel. As an 
example, an 8 bit camera is able to distinguish between 256 
grey values, while a 12 bit sensor can create 4096 different 
grey values. The importance of these parameters becomes clear 
from looking at aerial photos. Especially in urban areas, very 
bright and very dark regions occur within one image due to 
totally different reflection properties of the surface (e.g. 
specular reflection from windows, drop shadows). An 
additional automatic exposure time control is necessary. 
The frame rate has to be determined according to the 
application. For traffic density, a low frame rate (about 0.2 Hz) 
velocity was found to be sufficient, while for car velocity 
measurements frame rates in the order of 5 Hz have to be 
realized (effectual by common car velocities in cities). 
The number of pixels is a compromise between a number of 
parameters, e.g. ground resolution, expected movement of the 
platform (above all roll and pitch) and provided data transfer 
Several scientific and commercial camera systems were 
applied and tested (e.g. Kührt 2001). After defining traffic 
density as the main parameter, a commercial camera system 
was chosen. Table 1 shows a set of parameters of a typical 
camera configuration. 
Parameter Value 
Detector CCH 
Number of pixels 1980 x 1079 
Field of view S02 
Radiometric dynamics 12 Bit 
Frame rate 0.2 Hz 
Ground sampling distance, flight height | 0.3 m 
Swath width 594m 
Table 1. Parameters of a typical visible camera configuration 
In dependence on the platform, the cameras were mounted 
directly on a ground plate (Zeppelin), on shock mounts 
(helicopter, Figure 2) or on a stabilizing platform (airplane). 
Two main demands had to be fulfilled: firstly, the target area 
had to be observed reliably and secondly, the remaining 
vibrations must not influence the image quality even for long 
exposure times (blurring). 

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