Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

| Efficiency 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
E ak Las 
Figure 4. Averages of efficiency and 99%-efficiency per film- 
type and scanner. p=positive, n=negative. sl, s2, s3a and s3b 
refers to scanner type, FIN, SWE and LTU to countries where 
images were taken, pix14 and pix20 resolution used in 
scanning and the number refers to the amount of images. 
1:250 - "e x: : 
200 4 an "Lv 
150 4 [+8 
| G 
| 100 4 ad] 
Figure 3. Example of image-efficiencies of four flights. 
n=negative, cn=colour-negative. 
| + + Á e e @ 
240 | * $ i + 
| 220 | =. 
i 200 | ee He | AR | 
180 4 G | 
| +5 
160 | le L| 
| 1404 
120 | 
| 100 [ [ ] I | | | 
cokp-s1 |-cok-p-s2 | col-n-s2 | cir-n-s1 Cir-n-s2 | cir-n-s2 | cir-p-sda | ces rep 
FIN pix14 | FIN pix14 SWE pix 14| FIN pix14 | FINpix14 | LTU ead FIN pix20 | FIN pix20 | FIN pix14 | 
4B | 18 92 277 557 | 131 | 96 911 | 608 | 
| 240 - —— 
| 200 + a a; À e [4 R| 
| 180 1—4 + | ® | 6 
| S A = + |B 
| 160 + + ol 
| + = 
140 +————— 9r nue DEREN 
| 120 
100 I I T T T [ 1 
col-p-s1 | cokp-s2 | cokn-s2 | cir-n-s1 | cir-n-s2 | cir-n-s2 | cir-p-s3a | cir-p-s3b | cir-p-s3b | 
i | | | i | 
FIN pix 14 | FIN pix 14 |SWE pix14| FIN pix14 | FINpix14 | LTU pix t4 | FIN pix20 | FIN pix20 | FIN pix14 | 
48 | 18 92 277 557 | 131 | 96 | 911 | 608 
histograms were found to give valuable flight-specific 
information of images (Figure 5). Example of the affect of 
different scanners and film-types can be seen in Figure 4. 
In the CIR-negative-films and both kinds of colour-films the 
efficiency of R, G and B-channels varied from 157 to 256 and 
average of efficiencies was 228. For 99%-efficiency the 
corresponding numbers were 75, 230 and 170. Saturations (0% 
and 255%) in light and dark end of histograms were 0 for all 
channels. So even though the luminance was not calculated, it 
fee TEE 
Efficiency: averages | 
+ . 
> + + + = + 
| I < | dm E T m 
r= SI8IS8 [ § 
(eB sss 181 
| i| P] 1 
il 1-30] [12 | 
LR] | CR-negatwe 
99%-efficiency: averages | 
250 + A T 
200 1 a E AU a E d A . 
i * * 
| à + + ^ S + 4 
150 | + I 
| 2$. 
100 1-e + 
| * 
50 4 
Teg se Sp T r T 
S T STETS | isi 
E3127; E 2 NOSE | | 
PE an jo fe 4-8 Í s] 
|8/8/28/8/E 8 8|ël | $i 
i] 2] ja] sm 171. | 20 40 | 12 | Zl ] 
negative | Fi-negatwe | Cobr-  !Cobr-| 
Average: averages 
250 4 
200 4 pes " E em 
je 4 + oO x + + & - + 
150 SR Bf ^ | 1 
| + s + 3 is 
100 4 v + 
| + 
50 7 
us $|s 8181 :| 
+B| 8 513 38.8 | 
E Ss BIS E | 
| SÍ 13 74 | 58 23 | i 4 | 
(AR | CR-nogatve | CRmegave | Xr —|Coc 
CUN | ue 
i orne i 
Standard deviation: averages 
9100 5 
e Per armee e rene ere ee creer 
i x Le 5 A 
+ e * e o 
* ++ + rT 
+ + + 
| esie e fs iz EE 
| 48 74 | 58 | 174 | 2 9 40 | 
Clf-negative | CR-nogaive 
Figure 5. Averages of efficiency, 99%-efficiency, averages and 
standard deviation of several flights. Number in the x-axis 
below the block name describes the amount of images taken on 
that flight. 
is clear that there were no totally black or white pixels in these 
images (Figure 5). 
In the CIR-positive-films the efficiency of R, G, B and L- 
channels varied from 178 to 256 and the average efficiency was 
254. For the 99%-efficiency the corresponding values were 
124, 253 and 195 (Figure 5). The 255% saturation was almost 
O for all channels; the maximum single value was 0.35% for 
Blue. For 096 saturation the maximums were 1896 for R, 6196 
for G, 25% for B and 2596 for L, and averages were 0.796, 
3.3%, 0.7% and 0.4%, respectively. The high saturation values 
of some images were explained by large water areas, which 

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