Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
algorithms and imaging system of photogrammetry (Ho, 1995; 
Schenkel and Teller, 1998). 
Although the system of MIT City Scanning Project is used in a 
specific application, the concept of “hemisphere” used in their 
algorithm can be regarded as an attempt to have the images be 
transformed into a better geometric form that can be easily 
handied. This idea is pretty much the same as to calibrate and 
rectify the images of photographs. This is a good approach, but 
the algorithm is designed to handle images of the geometric 
limited its further 
shape of hemisphere, and this has 
There are several approaches toward a more generalized 
photogrammetry , and they can usually be regarded as multiple- 
camera photogrammetry (El-Hakim et al., 1998; Mostafa et al., 
2001; Zhang et al., 2000). 
In this paper, the author presents 
approach through the development of general 
photogrammetric algorithms, and the objective is to have the 
system to accept different input data sources in a single 
photographs are taken by different cameras with totally 
photogrammetric process. means that even the 
different interior orientations, the algorithm will still be working 
normally. The design principles ofthe algorithms are: 
l. Independent of specific input data sources 
2. Relevant to geometry 
3. Built-in with three-dimensional architecture 
4. No default automation will be executed or ignored if 
ambiguous conditions are encountered 
Here below shows the detailed geometries and descriptions of 
the algorithms. 
2.1 Geometry of space resection 
The design of one of the two geometric algorithms is used to 
solve space resection problem: suppose that we have three 
points gy, gj. g; of known geographic coordinates (Fig. 1), their 
corresponding image points pe, pr, p? in a photograph, and the 
focal lengthare known values. How to re-construct the position 
and orientation of the camera at the time that it took the 
photograph, in terms of a positional vector of the coordinate 
system of the three ground points? 
With the problem stated above, and according to the geometry 
shown in Fig. 1, the following notations are defined: 
fo Focal length of photograph 0 
Cy Focus of photograph 0 
09 FC of photograph 0 
po. Pi. P Image points of go, gi, g 
80.81.,3 Control points (with known coordinates ) 
g, A randomly selected point of reference 
qi. q Line qq; is a parallel with p;-p, 
r, nn Nearest points of go on lines eq-p; and c-p; 
$1, $ Two proposed values of gy, g, 
Figure 1: The geometry of proposed space resection method. 
It should be noted that g, is not necessary gy, and in 
most cases, g, is not gg. It was drawn as the same 
point to show the geometry more clear. 
A pinhole perspective projection model is assumed in this 
algorithm, and re-constructing the position and orientation of the 
photograph 0 is stated in the following: 
By providing a value of d, the algorithm calculates its 
corresponding two values of e, as shown in the lie-flat lower left 
drawing, and derives their c values by the geometry of triangle 
" (g-S,-$5" or the distance between s, and s,. The orientation of 
photograph 0 is derived when mz::c is of the same proportion 
with x:yzz. Spatial coordinates of gy, gi, g», their corresponding 
image points py, pi. p», the interior orientation of photograph 0, 
and g3 are known values, where g3 is used to select which of the 
two candidates is the right one. 
It should be noted that the position and orientation, combined 
represented as a positional vector, will, in most cases, have two 
possible candidates since the procedure is generalized based on 
And additional information, ie. gs, is needed to 
determine which the actual one is. 
The ratio of the three sides of triangle po-p;-p» is proportional to 
its counterpart of triangle go-q;-q». therefore these two triangles 
are parallel in 3D space. The lower left drawing of Fig. 1 is a lie- 
flat version of part of the geometry. It shows the basic idea we 
used to find two possible candidate geometries of m:n:. 
2.2 Relative orientation 
It is sufficient if we take every photograph ideally with enough 
control points when we do photogrammetry only by space 
resection. [n practice, however, most of the photographs do not 
even have a single control point, and this is why we have to 
develop another algorithm, with similar geometry of Fig. I, to 
determine how adjacent photographs are related.

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