Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

3.1 Resolution merge 
Resolution merging and data fusion techniques are commonly 
used for combining high-resolution single band images with 
colour images mainly for interpretation purposes. This is 
specifically useful when a satellite sensor system simultaneously 
acquires several spectral bands in different resolutions. In the 
case of SPOT-5, the multispectral bands 1-3 are imaged with 
10m [FOV while the SWIR-band has 20m IFOV. All bands in 
the SPOT-5 multispectral products have 10 m pixel size. In 
parallel with the multispectral data, SPOT-5 is capable of 
simultaneously acquiring panchromatic data with 2.5 m or 5m 
resolution. Resolution merging methods are needed, which can 
utilise the SPOT-5 multiresolution data in an efficient manner 
without deteriorating data quality, both for visual interpretation, 
and for classification and change detection. 
A variety of resolution merging techniques are available and 
described by several authors. The most common techniques are 
implemented in standard image processing software packages 
(IHS , PCA and Brovey transforms) The techniques can roughly 
be categorised into a limited number of main types (Pohl, C. 
1999. Hill, J., Diemer, 1999, Bretschneider 2004). 
Transformation based methods are replacing the low-resolution 
“intensity” image with the high-resolution single band data. 
Examples of this are the IHS and PC transformations and is 
commonly used because the availability in standard image 
processing systems. Also examples for forestry applications are 
reported (Fritz, 1999). 
Addition and multiplication techniques are weighting a part of 
the panchromatic signal into the multispectral bands having a 
high correlation with the higher resolution panchromatic band. 
Filter fusion techniques are adding only the high frequency part 
of the high-resolution channel, by multiplication or addition, 
into the multispectral channels. Variants of this are the HPF, 
LMM and LMVM methods (de Béthune 1998a, 1998b, 
Netzband, 1998) and the SFIM method (Liu, 2000) 
Wavelet decomposition fusion techniques are introducing the 
transformed high-resolution information into the multispectral 
image with different methods. 
For merging of the combined 10/20m resolution multispectral 
SPOT-5 data with the 2.5 or 5 m resolution panchromatic band 
with the purpose of enhancing the dataset for both interpretation 
and image analysis applications, the merging method should 
work on all spectral bands, including the SWIR-band, which is 
of high importance for boreal forest applications. The spectral 
properties should not be changed be the merging process. 
These requirements eliminate the addition/multiplication and 
transformation techniques. We have selected a modified filter 
fusion methods, which can be easily implemented before a more 
complex wavelet methods. The technique used is a normalised 
difference version of the high frequency modulation method 
(HFM) given by: 
p Pr pe 
Pept” Ge 
AST — AS: ; 
Where H denotes high resolution, L = low resolution or low 
- pass filtered version of the image and a is a gain factor defining 
the strength of the introduced high frequency component from 
the panchromatic image. The size of the low pass filter is 
defined by the ratio between multispectral pixel size and 
panchromatic pixel size. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
3.2 Clear-cut mapping method 
The SWIR band is the single most important spectral band for 
boreal forest applications. It contains information correlated to 
the density, timber volume, and tree height of the conifer forest. 
NDVI has very low correlation to the biomass of the conifer 
forest. In comparison with the red band (XS2), the number of 
digital levels within the forest is normally much higher in the 
SWIR band (standard deviation 8.7 vs. 22.8 in the SPOT-5 
scene used). This is of great importance when mapping dark 
boreal forest in low illumination conditions. 
The clear cut mapping method developed by Metria and used 
operationally by NBF is a single band image difference method 
using the SWIR band when present in both scenes used for 
change detection, otherwise the red band may also be used but 
with less dynamic range in the resulting difference image. 
The SWIR bands from the old and new images are 
radiometrically matched using a linearised histogram matching 
method based on the histograms of the matched. 
Radiometric matching between the SWIR bands of the new and 
the old image is performed using only an area of interest 
defined by the forest mask from the digital topographic map, 
excluding areas with clouds or cloud shadows. A linearised 
histogram matching method is used between the percentiles 
15% —-85% of the 2 images. By using only the forest mask, 
variations in agricultural and other areas are removed from the 
matching and by cutting off the ends of the histogram, seasonal 
variations and changes from forestry activities are minimised. 
By using cubic convolution resampling when the difference 
image is calculated, satellite scenes with different resolutions 
are easily handled. This would not be the case if nearest 
neighbour resampling was used, as this would have introduced 
false pixel border effects from the lowest resolution image used. 
The resulting single band difference image will have the 
smallest pixel size of the input images. 
3.3 Mapping of seed trees left on felled area 
Seed trees are left on clear felled areas to enable the 
regeneration of new forest. The alternative is to replant within 3 
years after the felling. NBF and the Regional Forest Boards are 
responsible for the legal supervising of the regeneration of new 
forest. If any areas are regrowing poorly, there is a demand for 
extra planting activities in order to fulfil the legal. NBF has a 
need for monitoring of recently clear-cut areas for the detection 
of indicators for activities to promote the regeneration of new 
forest is of interest from the NBF. Methods for detection of 
seed-trees left, soil scarification activities and if possible also 
detection of failed regrowth are of interest. 
A method for mapping of seed-trees left on new clear-cut areas 
was tested. The purpose of this method is to enable the planning 
and prioritising of field visits to the felled areas. There are no in 
situ data present at the time of the satellite image mapping. A 
simple thresholding method was evaluated for the purpose of 
mapping seed-tree density. The SWIR band of the newest scene 
was found to be most correlated to seed-tree density. 
The mapping was performed on SPOT-5 20m SWIR band data 
(10 m pixels) by simple thresholding in the SWIR band of the 
2002 scene limited to the new clear cuts performed between 
1999 and 2002. The 2.5 m merged colour image could be used 
as a reference for the development and calibration of the 
method. An alternative would have been simultaneously 
acquired aerial photos. In situ measurements were not feasible, 
as we had no advance knowledge where the areas were 
localised. The seed-trees could be visual interpretation in the 
merged images. Panchromatic 5 m data could also be used. 
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