Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

geographical coverage 60x60 km? and to unchanged 
multispectral richness including SWIR channel. 
The key product seems to be the 2.5 m color orthoimage, 
although the 2.5 m B&W and the 5m color orthoimages may be 
enough according to the application. 
The other major improvements are the absolute precision 
location, and the HRS instrument, which open new perspectives 
in the production of highly accurate digital elevation models 
with 15 m horizontal accuracy and 10m vertical accuracy, and 
orthorectified images with the same horizontal accuracy. 
Spot 5 clearly appears as a wonderful tool for cartography and 
cadastre on rural areas, allowing the production of geographic 
information with a content and a geometric accuracy that are 
compliant with 1: 25,000 topomap standards, and consistent 
with the 1 : 10 000 scale geometry. Hundreds of thousands of 
km2 can be covered within a short time and at a reasonable 
price per km2, when compared with metric satellites. 
For urban monitoring, planning and population census, the 2.5 
m color images, allow urban change detection, urban structural 
classification and even count of buildings or identification of 
isolated settlements, at 1 : 10 000 scale. The natural color 
products seems of very high interest for communication 
purposes, and the 60 km swath is a strong asset for big 
metropolitan areas. 
In risks and disasters mapping services, the 2.5 m resolution is 
again a decisive advantage, more particularly on urban areas, 
resulting in a very strong demand for constitution of an archive 
of Spot-5 2.5m color images on the major urban areas with 
potential risk. Such archive would be of highest interest in case 
of crisis as it would give a 1:10.000 map of status "before 
For agriculture and forestry, the SWIR band and the 2.5 m 
resolution combined with the geographical coverage, together 
with the high programming capabilities, are the main assets of 
SPOT 5 images. It is now possible to count individual fruit 
trees, to identify precisely agricultural fields boundaries. Crop 
monitoring and agricultural statistics are improved in a smaller 
parcel environment with the multispectral information at 10 m 
rsolution. A few concrete examples of benefits in forestry is a 
precise identification of forest stands, the characterization of 
regenerated areas, the estimation of the density of seed trees, 
etc... through SWIR analysis at 10 m and 2.5 m. 
For 3D-visualization applications, the main asset of SPOT 5 
consist in the provision at low cost of different layers of 
natural-colour orthoimages at resolutions of 10 metres, 5 metres 
and 2.5 metres, coregistered and centred on an airport. The 
Reference3D product, very-high-quality DEM issued from the 
SPOT 5 HRS instrument, is another major advantage of this 
multi-resolution orthoimages offering. Indeed, flight simulation 
gets real with SPOT 5. 
Spot Image and CNES thank the eight investigators for their 
active and useful participation to this SAVP. 
Lasselin, D., Sempere, J.P., Cantou , J.Ph., 2003. Evaluation of 
the geographic information potential of SPOT 5. Proceedings of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
IGARSS 2003. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote 
Sensing symposium. 
Galaup, M., and Dupuy, S., 2003. Benefits of SPOT 5 imagery 
for town planning with new adapted processing techniques. 
Proceedings of IGARSS 2003. IEEE International Geoscience 
and Remote Sensing symposium. 
Clandillon, S., Yesou, H., and Meyer, C., 2003. Benefits of 
SPOT 5 HR and VHR data for forest management and windfall 
damage mapping. Proceedings of IGARSS 2003. IEEE 
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing symposium.. 
Forsgren, J., 2003. Test of the use of SPOT 5 multispectral 
super mode data in parcel area estimation. Proceedings of the 
9th Annual Conference on Control with Remote Sensing of 
Area-based Subsidies, 27-28th of November, 2003 - Maritim 
Hotel, Koln, Germany. 
Kakiuchi, H., Onaka, M., Asai, M., and Itoh, F., 2004. 
Topographic mapping at scale of 1:25,000 using SPOT 5 
satellite imagery. ISPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. 
Corlazzoli, M., and Fernandez, O.L., 2004. SPOT 5 cadastral 
validation project in Izabal, Guatemala. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, 
Roca, J., Burns, M. C., and Carreras, J. M., 2004. Monitoring 
urban sprawl around Barcelona's metropolitan area with the aid 
of satellite imagery. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. 
Ferreira, F., 2004. Using SPOT 5 to improve census 
cartography. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. 
Retiére, A., Senegas, O., Parriaux, A., Haeberlin, Y., and 
Turberg, P., 2004. Validation of SPOT 5 satellite imagery for 
geological hazard identification and risk assessment for 
landslides, mud- and debris flows in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. 
ISPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.. 
Rosengren, M. G., and Willén, E., 2004. Multiresolution SPOT 
5 data for boreal forest monitoring. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, 
Baruth, B., Aastrand, P., de Roeck, E., and Leo, O., 2004. 
Investigations on the use of remote sensing data to control area 
based agri-environmental measures over a test site in southern 
Germany. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. 
Hernoust, F., and Cancés, M., 2004. Evaluation of SPOT 5 data 
for flight simulation applications. /SPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. 
Boissin, B., Goudy, P., and Bernard, M., 2003. SPOT 5 in-orbit 
performance and applications. Proceedings of International 
Astronautical Federation Conference 2003, Bremen, Germany. 
Yésou, H., Clandillon, S., Allenbach, B., Bestault, C., De 
Fraipont, P., Inglada, J., Favard, J.C. A constellation of 
advantages with SPOT SWIR and VHR SPOT 5 data for flood 
extent mapping during the September 2002 Gard event 
(France). Proceedings of IGARSS 2003, IEEE International 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing symposium. 
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