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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
Intense laboratory and in-field experimental activity have also
been carried out in many research institutes for better
characterizing BRDF properties of natural targets. Let us
remind the European GOniometric Facility (EGO) of the Joint
Research Centre (at Ispra, Italy) (Sandmeier et al., 1998), the
LAbor-GOniometer System (LAGOS) and Fleld-GOniometer
System (FIGOS) of the University of Zurich (Sandmeier et al.,
1999), the Portable Apparatus for Rapid Acquisition of
Bidirectional Observation of Land and Atmosphere
(PARABOLA) instrument of NASA — GSFC (Deering and
Leone, 1986), and an instrument deveopled at Miami Univerity
(Florida, USA), which is able to perform simultaneously
multiple viewing-angle measurements (Voss et al., 2000).
Recent satellite sensors such as the Multi-angle Imaging
SpectroRadiometer (MISR) on the Earth Observation Science
(EOS) Terra platform (Diner et al., 1998) and the Compact High
Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS) on board of
European Space Agency (ESA) Proba platform (Cutter et al.,
2003) supply experimenters with their off-nadir tilting
Following this general trend aimed to improve the current
understanding of directional properties of reflection from a
surface, we show laboratory multiangular observations of
natural sands obtained with a custom instrument whose main
properties are presented in Section two. Section three describes
the calibration procedure to take into account the BRDF
properties of reflection from a surface as measured by our
instrument. Some preliminary results are presented in Section
four and open problems and conclusion are drawn in Section
Although the BRDF is an important parameter for describing
the surface reflectance, its measurement is hindered even for
simple surfaces from the impossibility of yielding field-of-view
(FOV) having a vanishing width.
Moreover, because this function varies versus both illumination
and viewing angle, many measurements are required. Therefore
we have developed a suitable goniometric head for the ZEISS
MCS 501 fiber optics spectrometer, whose characteristics are
listed in Table I.
Two 600 pm (core diameter)
Optical entry: fibers with NA~0.25 for
illuminating and viewing
Holographic concave grating
g element:
Dispersin :
with 157 grooves/mm
Hamamatsu with 1024
Detector array:
215 nm — 1015 nm (nominal)
Spectral range:
280 nm — 900 nm (working)
Spectral resolution: 2-3 nm
Internal 75W Xenon lamp
Illuminating source:
(CLX 500)
Digitalization: 16 bit
Table I. Spectral and radiometric properties
of the ZEISS MCS 501 spectrometer utilised
for laboratory reflectance measurements
Each fiber, which is employed for illuminating the surface and
collecting the reflected radiance, is terminated with GRIN-rod
lenses SLW30 to collimate the outgoing and incoming beams.
In the actual configuration the illuminating and reflected beams
have a divergence of 108 mrad and a spot size diameter (at the
end of the GRIN-rod) equals to 1.5 mm. Figure 1 shows a
picture of the optical head employed to cary out BRDF
Figure 1. Picture of the optical head employed for laboratory
BRDF measurements
The optical fibers are arranged on a goniometric mounting so
that the centre of the illuminated spot remains fixed on the
sample surface while moving the source fiber at a different
illumination angle. The only change of the illuminated surface
is connected with the deformation of the source spot, which
becomes elliptical with increasing the viewing/illumination
We have performed measurements for illumination (zenith)
angles of 0°, 15°, 30° and 45°, mapping the bi-conical
reflectance for different viewing angles in the source principal
plane. Due to mechanical constraints position of illuminating
and viewing fibers have been limited are limited to zenith
angles not greater than 60°.
The geometrical properties of a reflecting surface are readily
described by its BRDF, denoted symbolically as
P gnpr 9 99.09,9,,0,), which is defined (Nicodemus et al.,
1977) as the ratio of the radiance dL" (4,95,09,9,,0,; E;)
scattered into the direction (9,,0,) to the irradiance
dE,(,9,,09) impinging at angle (85,05) ona unitary surface
area (see Figure 2 for a coordinate description):
di" (4 9 909,.0,: ,)
P sapr O599,09.9,.0,) 7 (2)
dE; (4.,99,0,)
Due to its definition BRDF is a density of reflectance [sr] and
it can take values from zero to infinity. Let us note that the
BRDF, defined as ratio of infinitesimals (vanishing quantities),
is a derivative with instantaneous values that can not be directly