Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

anbul 2004 
— Louxor 
. Aswan 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Photo 8 shows a starting of fire in the Monchique Bio-Park in 
Portugal, taken on August 2003, the 1 1" at the very beginning 
of the fire. A zoom of the image allows to identify the number 
of fire breaks and so to concentrate the means of intervention 
there to avoid a fatal progress as on photo 9 taken on the same 
area one week later on the19"". 
Figure 8: Alsat-1 image of Monchique Park (Portugal) 
taken on 12 Aug. 2003 © CNTS 2003 
Figure 9: Alsat-1 image of Monchique Park (Portugal) 
taken on 18 Aug. 2003 © CNTS 2003 
The first tests showed satisfying results. The image quality is 
good. The artefacts were easily corrected. 
The specifications of the satellite are adapted to the mission 
(national needs in remote sensing and specific needs for the 
constellation) and the operation is quite flexible. 
We have more to do on radiometric calibration but that is 
another story. 
Curiel A. & all., 2003, First Steps in the Disaster Monitoring 
Constellation, 4th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth 
Observation, Berlin, Germany. 
Bekhti M. & all., 2002, AISAT-1: The first step into Space for 
Algeria, Proceedings of the 53rd IAC and World Space 
Congress, Houston, TX, IAC-02-UN/IAA.3 rd.01. 
Sweeting M.N., Chen F.Y., 1996, Network of low cost small 
satellite for monitoring & mitigation of natural disasters, 47th 
International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, IAF-96-C. 1.09 
Rachedi A., 2002, Utilisation de l'Outil Spatial pour le Suivi 
des Catastrophes Naturelles - Cas de la DMC, 3* Forum des 
Assurances, El Aurassi — Algiers. 
Chu V. Y. & all., 2000, Disaster Monitoring Constellation, IAA- 
00-IAA. 11.4.03, Proceedings of the 51st IAF. 
Tarel J. P., 1995, Calibration Radiométrique de Caméra, 
Rapport de recherche N?2509, INRIA. 

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