Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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G. Schaepman-Strub * ”, T. Painter ^, S. Huber *, S. Dangel “, M. E. Schaepman “, J. Martonchik *, F. Berendse " 
* RSL, Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland - gschaep@geo.unizh.ch 
” Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology Group, WUR, 6708 PD Wageningen, The Netherlands 
“ National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA 
“ Centre for Geo-Information, WUR, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands 
* Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 
KEY WORDS: Terminology, Comparison, Simulation, Accuracy, Vegetation, Snow, MISR 
In the remote sensing user community there is a lack of consistency in definitions and properties of reflectance quantities. On 
one hand, more recent satellite programs such as NASA's MODIS and MISR sensors take into account the directional 
dimension of the different reflectance products. On the other hand, many published studies still remain unspecific on the 
reflectance quantities they are based on, or do not follow common definitions. One example is the term 'albedo' assigned to 
significantly differing products. This fact makes it difficult and confusing to evaluate and compare published results. 
Our contribution briefly summarizes basic reflectance nomenclature articles. The main aim is to quantify differences of 
reflectance products to stress the importance of adequate usage of reflectance definitions and quantities. Results from the 
comparison of directional-hemispherical reflectance versus bihemispherical reflectance and bidirectional reflectance factors 
versus hemispherical-directional reflectance factors are shown. We exemplify differences of these quantities using modelling 
results of a black spruce forest canopy and snow cover, as well as selected biome-specific MISR reflectance products of the 
year 2001. 
The presented case studies can only give an insight into the dimension of the problem. The actual differences in the 
reflectance products of a remotely sensed surface depend on the atmospheric conditions, the surroundings, topography, and 
the scattering properties of the surface itself. Never the less the presented results are urging the user community to be more 
specific on the application and definition of reflectance quantities. 
The Earth-looking remote sensing community increasingly 
understands the effects of solar illumination geometry and 
sensor viewing geometry on airborne and satellite data due 
to the anisotropic reflectance of the Earth's surface and the 
atmosphere. Not only the direction of illumination and 
observation influence the measured reflectance, but also 
their opening angle. Different reflectance quantities have 
been defined to describe the corresponding conditions of 
the measurements (Nicodemus, 1977; Martonchik, 2000). 
Nevertheless, these conditions are often partly or fully 
neglected by the user community, and different reflectance 
quantities are equated, which is especially true for the so- 
called surface reflectance and albedo (e.g., Breuer, 2003). 
The reflectance anisotropy of observed surfaces contains 
unique information about its structure and the optical 
properties of the scattering elements. The underlying 
concept for the characterization of the anisotropy is the 
bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). It 
describes the radiance reflected by a surface as a function of 
a parallel beam of incident light from a single direction into 
another direction of the hemisphere. Under natural 
conditions, i.e. for all field, airborne and spaceborne sensor 
measurements, the assumption of a single direction of the 
incident beam does not hold true. Natural light is composed 
of a direct part, thus uncollided radiation, as well as a diffuse 
component scattered by the atmosphere, and/ or the 
surroundings of the observed target. The amount and 
spectral character of the diffuse light irradiating the 
observed surface is thus depending on the atmospheric 
conditions, as well as on the topography and the scattering 
properties of the surroundings. Previous studies have shown 
the effects of different atmospheric conditions in simulated 
and measured data. The aim of this study is to highlight the 
differences in reflectance caused by different geometries of 
the opening angle of the illumination, i.e., directional and 
hemispherical extent. To get a better impression of the 
influence of the diffuse component included in the 
hemispherical extent, different direct to diffuse irradiance 
scenarios are considered. This modelling approach is 
performed for a black spruce forest canopy, and a snow 
cover. Secondly, first results of a comparison between 
directional and hemispherical reflectance products from the 
Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) are 
presented for selected test sites. 
This study gives an easy access to the basic concept of 
reflectance quantities for the user community, by 
summarizing the nomenclature articles of Nicodemus (1977) 
and Martonchik (2000). It highlights the importance of a 
proper usage of definitions through quantitative 
comparison of different reflectance products. 
2.1 Radiance, reflectance, reflectance factors 
Spectral radiance is the most important quantity to be 
measured in spectroradiometry. In particular it is the 
quantity required for quantitatively analyzing directional 
effects. The surface leaving radiance is assumed to be 
dependent on the incident radiation onto the surface, thus 
the reflectance is defined as the ratio of reflected to incident 
flux. Following the concept of energy conservation, its 
values are in the inclusive interval O to 1. The reflectance 
factor is the ratio of the radiant flux reflected by a surface to 
that reflected into the same reflected-beam geometry by an 
ideal (lossless) and diffuse (Lambertian) standard surface,

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