Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
irradiated under the same conditions. For measurement 
purposes, a Spectralon panel commonly approximates the 
ideal diffuse standard surface. Reflectance factors may reach 
values beyond 1, especially for highly specular reflecting 
2.2 Geometrical considerations of the incident and 
reflected fluxes 
The basic concept describing the reflectance anisotropy of a 
surface is the BRDF. Conceptual quantities of reflectance 
include the assumption that the size/ distance ratio of the 
illuminating source (usually the sun or lamp) and the 
observing sensor is assumed to be zero and are usually 
labelled directional in the general terminology. Since 
infinitesimal elements of solid angle do not include 
measurable amounts of radiant flux, and unlimited small 
light sources and sensor field of views do not exist, all 
measurable quantities of reflectance are performed in the 
conical or hemispherical domain of geometrical 
considerations. Thus, actual measurements always involve 
non-zero intervals of direction and the underlying basic 
quantity for all radiance and reflectance measurements is the 
conical case, including the special case of a cone of 
hemispherical extent. In the case of hemispherical 
illumination under field conditions, the irradiance can be 
divided into a direct sunlight component and a second 
irradiance component scattered by the atmosphere and 
terrain, which leads to an anisotropic, diffuse sky 
illumination. Being a function of wavelength, the ratio of 
diffuse/direct incident irradiance highly influences the 
spectral dependence of directional effects as shown in the 
snow case study below. 
According to Nicodemus (1977), the angular characteristics 
of the incoming radiance are named first in the term and are 
followed by the angular characteristics of the reflected 
radiance. This leads to the following nomenclature of 
reflectance quantities (Table 1): 
| Reflected Directional | Conical Hemispherical 
|! Incoming 
| Directional | Bidirectional | Directional- | Directional- 
| conical hemispherical 
| Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 
| Conical Conical- Biconical Conical- 
| directional hemispherical 
| = Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 
| Hemispheri  Hemispherica| Hemispherica| Bihemispherica 
| cal l-directional | l-conical ] 
| Case 7 
Case 8 Case 9 
Tablel: Relation of incoming and reflected radiance 
terminology used to describe reflectance 
quantities. The labelling with ‘Case’ corresponds 
to Nicodemus (1977). Grey fields correspond to 
measurable quantities, whereas the others denote 
conceptual quantities. 
2.3 Examples for measurable quantities and derived 
Referring to Table 1, typical measurement instrumentation 
with resulting reflectance products can be listed for the 
individual cases. The biconical reflectance (Case 5) is a 
typical laboratory setup, where a collimated light source 
illuminates a target that is measured using a non-imaging 
spectroradiometer. A special case is the conical- 
hemispherical reflectance (Case 6), where in the laboratory 
the sensor is replaced using a cosine receptor for 
hemispherical measurement. The hemispherical-conical 
reflectance (Case 8) corresponds to the most common 
measurement of satellites or airborne and field instruments 
(e.g., MERIS, ASD FieldSpec). Finally, bihemispherical 
reflectance (Case 9) is measured using albedometers. 
Even though measurable quantities only reflect Cases 5, 6, 8 
and 9 in Table | above, the non-zero interval of the sensor’s 
field of view may be neglected and resulting quantities are 
reported as being bidirectional or hemispherical-directional 
measurements. Most satellite reflectance products delivered 
after atmospheric correction procedures are labelled ‘surface 
reflectance’ (e.g., MODIS (Vermote, 1999)). Nevertheless, in 
many cases the underlying concept of the used reflectance 
nomenclature is unclear or undocumented, resulting in 
significant difficulties to assign the proper terminology to 
the delivered data product. As long as data from satellite or 
airborne sensors and field spectrometers are not corrected for 
the hemispherical angular extent of the incoming radiance, 
the reflected measured quantity always depends on the 
actual direct and diffuse components of the irradiance over 
the whole hemisphere. As a consequence, data without a 
proper specification of the corresponding beam geometries 
are subject to misinterpretation and subsequently lead to 
larger uncertainties. 
Table 2 shows typical reflectance products and their 
derivation from the satellite measurement. The integration of 
the HDRF (Case 7) over the viewing hemisphere results in 
the BHR (Case 9). Using a modelling approach (e.g, 
Martonchik 1994; Lyapustin, 1999), the HDRF data (Case 7) 
is further used to derive BRF (Case 1), and finally, DHR 
(Case 3) can be derived from BRF (Casel) by hemispherical 
integration over the viewing hemisphere. A special case is 
the derivation of the BRDF from the BRF (again Case 1), 
which is simply scaling the BRF by 1/JT. 
Measurement Derived Products 
BRE Distribution 
HDRF Bidirectional Function 
: Hemispherie Reflectance Case 1 
Hemispherical als Factor DHR 
„Conical Directional Gad Directional- 
Reflectance c Hemispherica 
Case 8 Re ctun | Reflectance 
Factor Mies 
Case 7 | Case 3 
Table 2: Conceptual data processing chain of airborne and 
satellite measurements. The table is read from the 
left to the right side. 
The abovementioned derivations of conceptual reflectance 
quantities from measured reflectance data include the 
application of a BRDF model. Thus, derived conceptual 
quantities depend not only on the sampling scheme, 
availability and accuracy of measured data, but also on the 
model itself. 
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