Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
largest relative differences were mostly found in the blue 
spectral band, with very few exceptions. 
Comparing the relative HDRF-BRF differences with regard to 
the viewing direction, there is a clear trend of higher 
differences for the forward looking camera. Further we 
investigated the relative differences of the HDRF-BRF 
values with regard to the nine cameras. For most scenes and 
spectral bands, the Ba camera (view zenith of 45.6°) shows 
the smallest differences. This indicates, that whenever the 
hemispherical irradiance component is neglected and HDRF 
data are equated with BRF data, the introduced uncertainties 
can be reduced by applying off-nadir data in the backward 
scattering direction, instead of nadir data. 
All remote sensing data depend on the illumination and 
view geometry of the sensor, as well as on their opening 
angle. Different reflectance quantities have been defined to 
describe the corresponding conditions of the measurements. 
The basis for the proper use of these reflectance quantities is 
a standardized nomenclature, well known throughout the 
remote sensing community. This study summarized the 
nomenclature articles of Nicodemus (1977) and Martonchik 
(2000) to give an easy access to the concept. 
Further the importance of using the adequate reflectance 
product is shown. All reflectance measurements performed 
under natural conditions include a diffuse fraction. Its 
amount is a function of the atmospheric conditions, the 
topography, the surroundings of the observed surface, and 
the wavelength. It thus introduces spectral effects to 
spectrometer data. The presented case studies are 
concentrating on the opening angle of the illumination, 
restricting it to directional irradiance only, or allowing for a 
diffuse irradiance component. The effect of varying direct to 
diffuse irradiance ratio is significant in modelled data, as 
well as in analysed MISR reflectance products. 
This study is addressing different remote sensing 
communities. It shows that the use of any remote sensing 
data has to include the analysis of the corresponding 
illumination and view geometry, and the opening angle, as a 
prerequisite for any further analysis. This will explain many 
unexpected results and significantly reduce uncertainties. 
Some satellite products of the MODIS and MISR sensor 
account for these considerations. It is the responsibility of 
the users to choose for the adequate product, guided by the 
reflectance nomenclature. Further, state of the art models 
allow users to account for the anisotropy of the target and 
the illumination conditions. 
The publication shall motivate the remote sensing 
community to take reflectance nomenclature into account 
and use the presented common basis for the sake of 
clarification and comparability. Even though not all 
applications of remote sensing data take the directionality 
of the reflectance signal into account, the appropriate 
selection and denomination of the used reflectance quantity 
is a prerequisite for every scientific publication. 
This. work was supported by the Swiss National Science 
Foundation, under contract 200020-101517. MISR data were 
obtained from the NASA Langley Research Center 
Atmospheric Sciences Data Center. 
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