Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
Kartsten Jacobsen (Jacobsen, 2004), as Peter Reinartz, has 
compared DEM accuracies on open areas and forest areas. 
The use of a specific software to take into account 
forest/urban areas can improve the overall accuracy. 
As expected, most of investigators have identified worse 
results in mountainous areas and Karsten Jacobsen has 
evaluated the slope effect: he proposes that height accuracy 
could be given by a linear formula: 
oH= a + b.p where a and b are accuracy parameters and p the 
terrain slope (tan(a)) 
a= 3.5 m to 5 m and b- 1.6 m to 23.2 m (depending of the 
The HRS SAP program has already confirmed the high 
quality of the HRS instrument on board of Spot 5. 
Unfortunately it is too early to give a complete overview of 
the program as only half of the expected results have been 
delivered at this stage (mid-April 2004). Nevertheless, the 
DEM/DSM accuracy derived from HRS has been assessed 
around 5m (relative) / 10-15 m (absolute). 
Current results show that even without GCPs good results 
could be obtained from HRS, due to the quality of the 
ancillary data. As expected better results are obtained on flat 
areas, without forest or urban features. This has been 
identified and measured on the Bavarian test site. 
There is still more work to do, comparing results according to 
other types of landscape (if results on Africa, Asia, Australia 
are provided), other orientation or matching methods. This 
should lead to interesting exchanges between investigators 
(most of them have worked alone up to now) 
With the authorization of the investigators data and results of 
this HRS-SAP initiative should be available on the ISPRS 
web site after this Congress. 
Airault, S, 2003, Reference3D accuracy and quality process: 
First assessment and perspectives. ISPRS Workshop Oct. 
2003, Hanover 
Airault S., 2004, Contribution of HRS data to the constitution 
of a high accuracy DTM; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Baudoin, A., 1999, The current and future SPOT program. 
ISPRS Workshop Hanover 1999 
Baudoin A., 2004, Beyond Spot 5: Pléiades, part of the 
French-Italian program ORFEO; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 
Bernard, M, 2001, Instrument HRS et MNT sur Spot 5, 
Bulletin SFPT 164 p32-34 
Bernard M., 2004, HRS : An original Partnership & a 
tremendously valuable archive, ISPRS Congress Istanbul 
Bouillon, A. 2003, SPOT 5 Geometric Image Quality, 
IGARSS 2003, Toulouse 
Bouillon, A. 2004, SPOT 5 HRS location performance tuning 
and monitoring principles, ISPRS Congress, Istanbul 2004 
Breton, E. 2002, Pre-flight and in-flight geometric 
calibration of SPOTS HRG and HRS images. ISPRS 
Symposium Nov. 2002, Denver 
Chelakin  V., Fomtchenko M., 2004, Comparative 
characteristics of DEM obtained from satellite images SPOT- 
5 and TK-350, ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Dowman L, Michalis P., 2004, The application of a new 
sensor model and DEM generation to SPOT HRS Data; 
ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Eremeev K., Chelakin V., Semenenko A., Aksenov A., 2004, 
“StereoScan” is the Photogrammetric system for scanner 
satellite images processing. ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Ewiak IL, Kaczynski R., 2004, Accuracy of DTM Generated 
from SPOT-4 and SPOT-5 HRS data, ISPRS Congress 
Istanbul 2004 
Fra Paleo U., Miranda D., Llamazares J., Crecente R., 2004, 
DEM Extraction and Accuracy from Stratified Stereo SPOT 
5 Images; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Fratter, C., 2001, The Spot 5 mission, 52" International 
Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, 1-5 Oct. 2001 
Fraser C., Dare P., 2004, Digital surfacing modelling from 
SPOT 5 HRS imagery using the affine projective model 
ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Ghayourmanesh S., Zhang Y., 2004, SPOTS HRS Study, 
Automatic DTM Extraction, Regions 1 (Montmirail - France) 
and 7 (Rasht - Iran); ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Gleyzes, J.P., SPOT 5: System overview and image ground 
segment, IGARSS 2003 Toulouse 
Habib A., Kim E., Morgan M., Couloigner I., 2004 DEM 
Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using 
Parallel Projection Model, ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Jacobsen K., 2004, DEM generation by SPOT HRS, ISPRS 
Congress Istanbul 2004 
Kianifar F.,Abootalebi A., Eslamirad A., Hashemian M., 
2004, Accuracy Evaluation of DEM Extracted From SPOT 5 
HRS Imageries. ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004 
Kornus W., 2004, Assessment of DEM Accuracy Derived 
From SPOT 5 High Resolution Stereoscopic Imagery, ISPRS 
Congress Istanbul 2004 
Lasselin, D., 2003, Evaluation of the geographic information 
potential of Spot 5, IGARSS 2003, Toulouse 
Nandakumar R., Amitabh, Alurkar M., Krishna B., 
Srivastava P., 2004, SPOT-5 HRS along-track stereo data 
evaluation over Montmirail and Melbourne Test Sites; ISPRS 
Congress Istanbul 2004

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