Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
In this last part, we will first give the latest figures about HRS' 
location performance available from the ancillary data provided 
with the images. Second, we will give a breakdown of errors 
sources making up the performance. 
4.1 Latest figures for HRS' location performances 
Figures given in this paragraph concerns HRS latest 
performance assessment for year 2004. Two types of figures are 
presented : Table 1 shows the relative location performances 
(difference between the two HRS' cameras location) and 
Table2 gives the absolute location performance (mean 
performance for the two cameras). 
Statistical are computed out of location difference and mean for 
each HRS stereopair. For a single stereopair, location difference 
and mean are computed out of mean location of each image of 
the stereopair. 
HRS relative location 
(77 pairs) 
meters | | track | // track | Global 
Min -16 -39 
Max 19 29 
Mean 4 -5 6 
Standard deviation 8 10 13 
Max for 90% of pairs| 14 | 14 20 
Table 1 : HRS relative location performances 
(with no tie points used) 
HRS absolute location 
(77 pairs) 
meters | L track | // track | Global 
Min -20 -42 
Max 19 19 
Mean -2 -2 3 
Standard deviation 9 12 15 
Max for 90% of pairs | 15 | 18 27 
Table 2 : HRS absolute location performances 
(with no ground control points used) 
4.2 Error sources affecting HRS location budget 
In this paragraph, we'll give the size and nature for each 
elementary source of error making up HRS' absolute location 
performance. All error sources are summarised in Table 3. 
Geometric calibration remainders are high frequency errors 
varying in the field of view. Their contribution should be 
smaller than 1 meter rms in both directions (across and along 
track) thanks to the high accuracy of reference data used to 
perform the inner orientation (see [Gachet, 2004]). 
Doris ephemeris provided with the images have an accuracy 
better than 1 meter rms in both directions (along and across the 
track). Ephemeris errors are mainly bias depending on the 
image and can be lowered by ensuring ephemeris join for 
different images acquired from the same orbit. 
Image line dating accuracy is a low frequency error : it is 
mainly a bias depending on the image (accuracy of the center 
line dating) combined with a very few linear dependence due to 
line period measure precision. Its contribution is about 3 meters 
rms and only impacts along the track. 
Structure deformations of HRS, or between HRS and stellar 
sensor unit are supposed to be low frequency errors as an 
hypothesis for our analysis. The temporal trend observed (see 
paragraph 3.3) allows to evaluate this error about 8 meter rms 
across the track and 5 meters rms along the track. 
Finally, attitude's restitution accuracy delivered by the stellar 
location unit combines both low frequency and high frequency 
contributions due to its specific nature (see paragraph 1.2 and 
3.1). Given all other error sources and the final location 
performance measure, its accuracy should be better than 5 
meters rms across the track and 10 meters rms along the track 
which is in accordance with expectations. 
HRS absolute location 
meters | L track | //track | Global 
Geometric Calibration 1 1 1 
Ephemeris 1 1 1 
Line Dating 0 3 3 
Structure 8 5 10 
Attitude restitution 5 10 10 
Table 3 : HRS absolute location contributors 
(root mean square figures) 
These figures are deduced on the one hand from our knowledge 
of each error source and on the other hand from observations 
and analyses carried out. As potential structure deformations 
are still not very well known and cannot be precisely measured, 
the exact repartition between structure and attitude restitution is 
linked with our current interpretation of available measures and 
may be subject to some evolution if this interpretation happens 
to change. 
The joint working group activated after the end of the 
commissioning phase in order to improve HRS' location 
performance has achieved significant results. Several 
improvements were brought, and objectives were met : HRS 
location performance is now about 15 m rms and compliant 
with Reference3D planimetric specification. 
Now the main contributors left are closely monitored on a 
monthly basis. This constant monitoring of location accuracy is 
coupled with a close attention paid to the on board stellar 
location unit in order to detect every potential problem as soon 
as possible. 
Further work is still planned with HRS in the context of its 
monitoring. First the temporal trend identified needs to be 
constantly evaluated as it is taken into account into HRS world- 
wide database Reference3D's production process. Second, it is 
planned to test and compare different inner-calibration of HRS 
on different sites in order to improve the inner orientation 
parameters and validate the hypothesis of time stability of these 

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