tanbul 2004
Polil DEM
the D. Poli
al reference
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- D. Poli
— P. Reinartz
-K. Jacobsen
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Ice (under 5
—F— P. Reinartz |
-3— K. Jacobsen |
R. Kaczynski |
D. Polii
-X-—D. Poli2 |
aper results
of the them
We chose to focus our study on 2 sites, Barcelona and
Bavaria where we had several results to compare.
IGN made its own analysis from the delivered DEM
produced and existing references. Investigators DEM have
been produced with different orientation and matching
processes and provided with different sampling. The results
of comparison have thus to be taken carefully. In addition of
that, statistics and results in our analysis are globalized, they
don't take into account local evaluations by slope or
landscape (with or without vegetation or urban features).
Some DEM are affected by horizontal errors which can
disturb the global orientation of the DEM but the matching
process can also be partly degraded and then the altimetric
restitution itself.
The analysis of the DEM produced by investigators show that
HRS data can be used to extract DEM with a vertical
accuracy better than 5m in flat areas and around 10m in relief
areas. These results are fully compatible with the ones
obtained during the SPOTS in-flight commission phase
(Rudowski,, 2003).
Unfortunately no investigators produced DEM using in the
same time 3 images (2HRS and an HRG) recommended for
relief areas, but one investigator tried an HRG/HRS matching
which gives good results (Barcelona site).
Finally, we were really impressed by the huge effort spent to
assess HRS data, as well as by the outstanding overall quality
of the data produced by the evaluators, and we would like to
thank them all for the great job they achieved.
Airault S., 2004, Contribution of HRS data to the constitution
ofa high accuracy DTM; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Baudoin, A., 2004, The HRS-SAP initiative: À scientific
assessment of High Resolution Stereoscopic instrument on
board SPOTS by ISPRS investigators, ISPRS Congress
Istanbul 2004
Bernard, M, 2001, Instrument HRS et MNT sur Spot 5,
Bulletin SFPT 164 p32-34
Bernard M., 2004, HRS : an original Partnership & a
tremendously valuable archive, ISPRS Congress Istanbul
Bouillon, A. 2003, SPOT 5 Geometric Image Quality,
IGARSS 2003, Toulouse
Bouillon, A. 2004, SPOTS HRS location performance tuning
and monitoring principles, ISPRS Congress Sitanbul 2004
Chelakin V., 2004, Comparative characteristics of DEM
obtained from satellite images SPOT-5 and TK-350, ISPRS
Congress Istanbul 2004
Couloigner I., 2004 DEM Generation from High Resolution
Stereoscopic Imagery Using Approximate Sensor Model,
ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
Dowman L, 2004, The application of a new sensor model
and DEM generation to SPOT HRS Data; ISPRS Congress
Istanbul 2004
Eremeev K., 2004, “StereoScan” is the Photogrammetric
system for scanner satellite images processing. ISPRS
Congress Istanbul 2004
Fra Paleo U., 2004, DEM Extraction and Accuracy from
Stratified Stereo SPOT 5 Images; ISPRS Congress Istanbul
2004 :
Ghayourmanesh S., 2004, SPOTS HRS Study, Automatic
DTM Extraction, Regions 1 (Montmirail - France) and 7
(Rasht - Iran); ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Jacobsen K., 2004, DEM generation by SPOT HRS, ISPRS
Congress Istanbul 2004
Kaczynski R., Ewiak I., 2004, Accuracy of DTM Generated
from SPOT-4 and SPOT-5 HRS data, ISPRS Congress
Istanbul 2004
Kianifar F., 2004, Accuracy Evaluation of DEM Extracted
From SPOT 5 HRS Imageries. ISPRS Congress Istanbul
Kornus W., 2004, Assessment of DEM Accuracy Derived
From SPOT 5 High Resolution Stereoscopic Imagery, ISPRS
Congress Istanbul 2004
Nandakumar R., 2004, SPOT-5 HRS along-track stereo data
evaluation over Montmirail and Melbourne Test Sites; ISPRS
Congress Istanbul 2004
Poli Daniela, 2004, SPOT-S/HRS stereo images orientation
and automated DSM generation; ISPRS Congress Istanbul
Reinartz P., 2004a, Accuracy Analysis for DEM and
Orthoimages Derived from SPOT HRS Stereo Data without
Using GCP, ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Reinartz P. , 2004b, Comparison of the Accuracy of DEM
from SPOT HRS two-fold Stereo Data and HRS/HRG three-
fold Stereo Data in Barcelona Test Site; ISPRS Congress
Istanbul 2004
Rudowski, V. 2003, Altimetric restitution assessment of Spot
5 stereo pairs, IGARSS 2003, Toulouse.
Suchkov A., 2004, DEM creation technology basing on the
SPOT-5 satellite images with the “Z-space”, ver. 2.0 "system
help"; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Torres J., 2004, A Multi-resolution Stereo Matching
Algorithm for the Generation of DEM's Using SPOT-5 HRS
Images; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Tsakiri-Strati M., 2004, DEM Evaluation Generated from
HRS SPOTS Data; ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004
Valorge C., 2004, Comparison of HRS DTM and
DTM from aerial photographs in Manosque
(France); ISPRS Congress Istanbul 2004