Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

stanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
automatically removed but not interpolated. The full DEM well 
reproduces the terrain relief and the different cartographic and 
topographic features, which can be seen in Figure 1: such as the 
mountains and valleys, the Saint-Lawrence River and its large 
island. Even small relief features between the mountains and 
the Saint-Lawrence River valley were captured. Much more 
topographic details are more noticeable in Figure 4. 
(120 km by 60 km; 10 m by 5 m grid spacing). The 
black areas are the 5% mismatched areas. The 
yellow box represents the HRG DEM (60 km by 60 
km) and the green box the Lidar (5 km by 13 km). 
SPOT-5 2003 Courtesy SPOT-IMAGE 
Figure 3. DEMs extracted from in-track HRS stereo-images 
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Figure 4. Sub-area (5 km by 5 km; 5 m grid spacing) of DEM 
extracted from HRS stereo-images. The large black 
areas are the mismatched areas and the small black 
dots are the blunders, removed but not interpolated. 
SPOT-5 2003 Courtesy SPOT-IMAGE 
Quantitative evaluation of DEMs was conducted with the 
comparison of the LIDAR elevation data in the overlap area and 
five to six million elevation points were used in statistical 
computations. — Table 2 gives the results computed from 
elevation errors for the HRS and HRG DEMSs: the linear errors 
with 68% and 90% levels of confidence (LE68 and LE90, 
respectively), the bias and the percentage of class over three 
times LE68 (in metres). 
DEM Area LE68 LE90 Bias Over 
Evaluation (m) (m) (m) Three 
| | | | LE68 
HRS | Total surface | 55 m 10m E 2m 2.2% 
HRG Total surface | 65m | 10m T. 2m | 0.796 
i HRS , Bare surfaces | 2.7m |: 56m 02m | 4% 
| HRG | Baresurfaces | 22m | 50m | 2m | 3% 
Table 2. Statistical evaluation of DEMs stereo-extracted from 
HRS in-track and HRG across-track stereo-pairs for 
the total area and the bare surfaces: linear errors 
with confidence levels of 68% (LE68) and 90% 
(LE90), bias, and percentage over three LE68. 
For HRS DEM, LE68 of 5.5 m was achieved and are good 
compared to the stereo bundle adjustment RMS Z-errors on 
well-defined ICPs (4.7 m). LE68 corresponds to an image 
matching error a little less than £1 pixel (line spacing of 5 m 
and B/H of 0.85), which is similar to previous results generally 
achieved with different VIR medium-resolution stereo-images 
(1-pixel image matching accuracy) (Gülch, 1991). While LE68 
(6.5 m) of HRG DEM is a little worse than HRS LE68 due to its 
smaller 8/H, the same image matching error of +1 pixel (pixel 
spacing of 5 m and B/H of 0.77) is obtained. 
The largest errors (three times LE68), although representing 
only a very small percentage, are out of tolerance and cannot be 
acceptable for DEM in a topographic sense. In order to locate 
and understand these largest errors, they were superimposed on 
the DEMs or the ortho-images. Most of these large errors 
resulted from the clevation comparison of the top of tree versus 
the ground due to the different spatial resolutions of SPOT and 
LIDAR data and to the different acquisition seasons (deciduous 
with or without leaves). These errors are then specific of the 
cartographic data and study site largely covered by forests, but 
are not representative of the general SPOT stereo-performance 
for bald DEM generation. In fact, these DEMS stereo-extracted 
from HR data are digital surface models (DSMs), which include 
the height of natural and human-made surfaces. The smaller 
sensor resolution and the more accurate the DEM, the more 
noticeable are the height of some surfaces and the resulting 
cartographic features. Consequently, a second elevation 
accuracy evaluation was performed only on bare surfaces, 
where there is also no difference between the SPOT stereo- 
extracted elevation and the LIDAR data. 
These results over bare surfaces (Table 2): LE68 of 2.7 m and 
2.2 m for HRS and HRG DEMs, respectively are very good 
relatively to the pixel spacing. These results are also more 
consistent with a priori 3-D restitution accuracy computed from 
the stereo-bundle adjustments over ICPs (around 4.7 m and 2.9 
m in Z, respectively). The largest percentage of errors over 
three LE68 (3-496) is due to isolated trees in the bare surfaces. 
Strangely, the multi-date HRG acquisition (5 m pixel spacing 
and B/H of 0.77) achieved a parallax error of one-third of pixel, 
better than the half-pixel error achieved with the same-date 
HRS acquisition (5 m line spacing and B/H of 0.85). It is

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