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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004
the differences between the residuals on the GCP and those on
the Check Point.
The accuracy of the solution (which can be evaluated in terms
of residuals on the GCP and on the CHK) varies to a great
extent with different pseudo-casual initialisation of the network
weights and different number of neurons, while the initial value
of the training parameter Jt of the LM algorithm results to be
quite negligible even though values close to 10? are advisable.
The architectures of the network that the developed procedure
is able to verify, depend on some parameters that the operator
has to supply:
e the range of variability of the number of neurons: the
maximum and minimum number of neurons to be tested has
to be defined. These values are influenced by the number of
GCPs that are supplied as training pattern. A too high
number of neurons would decreases the generalisation
capacity of the network while a too low number would not
approximate the function in an adequate way.
e the number of successive initialisations for each node
architecture: the number of times the training should be
repeated for each architecture has to be indicated. The
results that can be obtained, with the same number of
neurons and same p value can differ greatly according to
how the weights are initialised. The risk, because of a bad
initialisation, is that the algorithm stops inside local
minimums of the performance function. The repetition of
the training for a sufficiently high number of times (10
times for this work) prevents from this problem.
e level of accuracy required of the residuals on the GCPs and
on the CHKs: the optimal architecture is identified on the
basis of the simultaneous satisfaction of some conditions:
[RMSE gp < threshold
| RMSE cux € N threshold a)
r A 7
The threshold value depends on the expected scale of the
orthoimage. The simultaneous satisfaction of the two conditions
helps, in a simple way, to prevent overfitting problems of the
network (too many neurons) which can be detected, as a first
approximation, as the difference between RMSEgep and
The RFM and MLP non-parametric methods were tested with
images acquired from different satellite platforms. The accuracy
of the planimetric positioning was evaluated through the
evaluation of the residuals on both the GCPs that was used for
the estimation of the model parameters and on the CHKs
(which were different from the previous ones). The mean values
of the residuals were also calculated to show any systematic
error. A geometrically homogeneous distribution of the GCPs
on the entire image was maintained during all the tests, as the
validity of the non-parametric methods decreased with an
increase in the distance from the support points.
Tables 3 and 4 report the results that were obtained using the
polynomial relations and the neural networks.
Satellite GCPs | CHK | mean | mean | CHK GCP
S CHK CHK | (pixel) | (pixel)
Eros Al 51 6 0.00 0.00 3.19 0.83
QuickBird 60 30 -0.09 0.02 2.76 0.86
Spots 50 5 -0.02 | -0.09 2.09 1.01
Table 1 — Results obtained through the application of the RFM
Satellite GCPs | CHKs | Mean | Mean | CHK GCP
CHK | CHK | (pixel) | (pixel)
Eros Al 51 6 -0.23 | -1.10 2.46 1.08
QuickBird 60 30 -0.23 | -0.14 2.37 1.40
Spots 50 5 -2.04 0.02 2.96 1.38
Table 2 — Results obtained through the application of the MLP
neural network method
The orthoprojection of satellite images is a procedure that is
used to correctly represent orthogonal projection, on a prefixed
plane, of the area framed by the sensor during the acquisition.
This product is obtained through the orthogonal projection of
each pixel of the image of the territory onto a cartographic
plane, in such a way that the original perspective representation
(a deformed cylindrical perspective in the case of pushbroom
acquisition) is transformed into an equivalent metrically correct
image. It is in fact possible to measure angles and distances on
the orthophoto, but also to read the cartographic coordinates of
significant points exactly like on a map.
To carry out an orthoprojection it is therefore necessary to have
a geometric model of the sensor that is able to relate the 3D
coordinates of the object to the coordinates of the image and a
digital terrain model (DTM). It is very easy to perform an
orthoprojection if the surface of the object is continuous (that is,
smooth), but is not sufficiently accurate if the framed area is an
urban area and if the geometric resolution of the image is high
because of numerous discontinuities (breaklines) and frequent
defilated areas.
A more complex method should therefore face the following
e the lack of information in correspondence to the defilated
zones (hidden areas): it is possible to eliminate or limit this
inconvenience using a multi-image approach, if several
images of the same area are available (along-track, across-
track or multitemporal stereoscopy). In the case of a lack of
images acquired by the same platform, it is possible to use
the information acquired by other sensors using a multi-
sensor type approach;
e the presence of discontinuities: this problem is resolved
using more rigorous interpolation methods for the
generation of a DTM whose grids are made up of a large
number of points (DTM dense or Dense DTM). A dense
DTM therefore allows a correct description of a surface to
be obtained, a description that also takes into account the
height of the buildings.