Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Module PHOTOMOD StereoDraw performs production and 
editing of vector layers in stereomode. A significant set of 
export/import vector formats is supported. Module 
PHOTOMOD StereoVectOr is used for display and editing of a 
map being updated in legend signs. The module has convenient 
two-monitor mode of work. Module PHOTOMOD Mosaic is 
used for production of fragments of orthoimages from satellite 
and aerial images and their mosaic. The functions of brightness 
adjustment provide seamless orthomosaic. It is possible to 
export it directly to MapInfo and ArcInfo cut into sheets or 
trapeziums of required size. The module PHOTOMOD 
ScanCorrect allows to use inexpensive polygraphic scanners 
after their accurate calibration. 
In order to construct geometric terrain model there were 
performed the required technological processes: interior 
orientation — to set parameters of connection of pixel coordinate 
system of digital images with commonly used photogrammetric 
image coordinate system and account of distortion of imaging 
system; relative orientation — for further production of free 
stereo model; exterior orientation — for production of geometric 
terrain model in geodetic space; production of epipolar images 
— for the process of automatic stereo matching of corresponding 
points on stereopair images. Production of terrain model in 
geodetic space using photogrammetric system PHOTOMOD 
from SPOT-5 images was done using RPC polynomials which 
are equations of connection between photogrammetric 
coordinates X,Y,Z and geodetic X,Y,Z. 
As a result the following accuracy of construction of terrain 
model in geodetic space was achieved: 
For SPOT-5 images 
RMSy , = +/- 12.82 m in plane; 
RMSy = +/- 7.0 — 15.3 m in height 
For TK-350 images 
RMSy y = H- 14.94 m in plane; 
RMS} = +/- 8.58 m in height 
According to the plan of experiment production of DEM was 
done 15.32 km x 15.32 km in size with 40m spacing within the 
test area TS7 (Rasht, Iran) with the corner coordinates: 
49°52°15.796” — 50°02°43.250” E 
37°04°16.4437 -37°12°27.853” N 
The analysis of computer variant of DEM obtained using “Z- 
Space” system showed that in the flat part of test area there are 
a lot of relief “outbreaks” up to 40-50m in height. The 
mountainous part of DEM does not have such errors of 
determination of heights of terrain points. Due to this reason 
postprocessing of DEM included mainly the procedures of 
automatic smoothing of DEM using Grimson method within flat 
areas. The outlook of DEM corrected in such a way is shown on 
Figure 6. 
Figure 6. Outlook of DEM produced by “Z-Space” system 
from TK-350 images 
The comparison of DEM produced from satellite TK-350 
images with the test one showed the following accuracy 
RMSy; = +/- 14.1 m An = 0.1m 
The histogram of differences of their heights is shown below in 
Table 1. 
Table ! 
No. Differences, m Number of differences % 
1 0-5 51 810 36 
D 5.1-10 38 029 28 
3 10.1-15 25 647 18 
4 15.1-20 15 613 9 
5 20.1-25 8 128 5 
6 25.1-30 4 697 2 
7 30.1-35 2167 | 
8 35.1-40 566 0 
9 40.1-45 237 0 
10 45.1-50 13 0 
11 50.1-55 7 0 
The similar analysis of computer variant of DEM obtained 
using PHOTOMOD system showed absence of significant 
“outbreaks” (see Figure 7). This resulted in the histogram of 
differences of its heights with the heights of test DEM (Table 
Table 2 
No. Differences, m Number of differences % 
1 0-5 53 264 37 
2 5.1-10 38 142 
3 10.1-15 23 370 
4 15.1-20 15 526 aH 
5 20.1-25 9 539 
6 25.1-30 5017 

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