In:crautional Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BL. Istanbul 2004
3.1 Single Images
‘The HRS stereo data as well as the THR supermode scene were
included into the geolocation accuracy analysis. For these data
only the orbital information was utilized but not the detailed
attitude parameters. Instead, constant values were extracted
from the header data and initially used for the sensor attitude
angles. This results in an a-priori geolocation accuracy of tens
to even hundreds of input pixels. Hence, also ground control
points had to be used in order to optimise the sensor models of
the Spot 5 image data.
The sensor models of these images were optimised using a least
squares parameter refinement procedure — an equivalent to
photogrammetric bundle adjustment — as implemented in the
RSG software. The RMS, minimum and maximum point
residuals, resulting after the sensor model optimisation are
summarized in Table 1. Sub-pixel location accuracy was
achieved for each of the images, being represented by RMS
values in the order of 0.7 pixels for the HRS images and of 0.9
pixels RMS for the THR scene.
116 control points Along | Across | Length
RMS | 072 | 673 |] 102
HRSI MIN | -158 [-143 | 0.01
MAX | 1590 | 156 | 213
RMS | 479 | 971 | i06
HRS2 MIN. |.-L83 1-136 1 005
MAX | 106 |. ].66 | 27%
RMS | 091 | 091 | 1.29
THR MIN | -1.78 | -1.96 | 0.09
Max [iW 10% | 251
Table 1: Statistical results of parameter optimisation.
3.2 Stereo Models
To evaluate the stereo mapping performance of Spot 5, the
standard HRS stereo pair as well as multi-sensor stereo pairs
were considered, which comprise the THR supermode scene as
well as one of the HRS scenes. For these 3 stereo models the a-
priori stereo mapping accuracy was determined. Therefore,
ground coordinates are calculated for stereo control points
measured in both images of the stereo model using a least
squares point intersection algorithm, and 3D point residuals are
determined through comparison with given control point
coordinates. The RMS, minimum and maximum point residuals
being achieved in East, North and Height are summarized in
Table 2.
116 control points East | North | Height | Length
RMS 6.6 3.9 4.0 8.6
HRSI-HRS2 | MIN 152 [117 -9.7 1.4
MAX 122 77 12.0 16.2
RMS 2.4 2.3 8.4 9.0
THR-HRSI | MIN -4.5 -4.6 | -18.0 1.6
MAX 5.7 5.5 16.0 18.4
RMS 2.2 2.3 7.9 8.5
THR-HRS2 | MIN -4.5 -48 | -172 1.0
MAX 5.0 5.4 19.3 19.9
Table 2: A-priori stereo mapping accuracy.
For the HRS stereo model with a base-to-height ratio of 0.72 a
height accuracy of 4 meters was achieved, while the planimetric
accuracy is about 8 meters and hence worse by a factor of 2.
For the multi-sensor models with a base-to-height ratio of 0.36
the achieved height accuracy of some 8 meters is worse by a
factor of about 2 in comparison to the HRS model. On the other
hand, a planimetric accuracy of less than 2.5 meters in East and
North is achieved for both models, which is significantly
superior (by more than a factor of 2) in comparison to the HRS
model. Hence, planimetric accuracy is improved at the cost of
height accuracy for the THR-HRS image pairs. The overall
residual length shows an RMS value of about 9 meters is
roughly the same in either case.
3.3 Image Block
The benefit to merge the HRS scenes with the THR scene to an
image triple for 3D data extraction was further investigated.
Considering an image block formed by these 3 images, point
intersection of homologue control points was performed to
evaluate the 3D location accuracy. The overall statistics of
resulting point residuals are summarized in Table 3. An RMS
height accuracy of 3.4 meters is achieved, i.e. slightly superior
to what is achieved from the pure HRS stereo data, while the
planimetric accuracy is 2 to 3 meters in East and North, i.e.
significantly better than for the HRS image pair and close to the
one achieved from THR/HRS multi-sensor image pairs.
East North | Height | Length
RMS 3.0 2.3 3.4 54
MIN -7.2 -4.7 -9.0 1.1
MAX 8.8 4.9 8.3 12.3
Table 3: A-priori image block mapping accuracy.
Three of the detailed study areas were selected to apply the
DSM generation procedure and to investigate the performance
of algorithms as well as the quality of achieved results.
Selection was made upon land cover and morphology as
e Rural/hilly area, being partly covered by forests
e Mountainous terrain
e — Urban area, represented by the city of Barcelona
Anaglyph presentations of the HRS stereo images of these test
areas are shown in Figure 1.
4.1 DSM from HRS stereo pair
First, surface models were extracted for selected test areas
using the HRS stereo pair. The procedure comprises matching
of the stereo images, calculation of ground coordinates from the
matching result, and interpolation of a regular surface elevation
For stereo matching, the widely used cross correlation approach
was applied. The performance of this image matching approach
with respect to these stereo data is summarized in Table 4,
which shows the percentage of pixels where no matching was
possible. The matching failures in general are caused by
homogeneous areas where discrimination of individual pixels is
difficult if not impossible (similarity too high), and by major
geometric differences (similarity too low).
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