9 15m
ınbul 2004
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004
Figure 4: Detail of multi-sensor stereo data (left: THR, right:
HRS) for built-up area (top) and rural area (bottom).
This is confirmed in Table 6, which shows the performance of
image matching for the selected test areas. Now, more than
10% of the pixels were not matched for all of the three test
areas. In a relative sense, however, the matching performance
of the mountainous area was not as drastically degraded as for
the rural or the urban test site. This is due to the fact that the
stereo images now are more similar even in the mountainous
areas and image matching is facilitated, although on the other
hand the stereo condition was significantly degraded by a factor
of 7.
Rural area 10,07 %
Mountainous area 12,25 %
Urban area 13,78 %
Table 6: Matching performance for THR-HRS stereo pair.
The digital surface models which have been generated from
these stereo data are shown in Figure 5 together with the
difference DEMs, which were determined with respect to the
given reference DEM. Statistical parameters like mean,
standard deviation, minimum and maximum of these elevation
differences are summarized in Table 7. The following
conclusions can be made:
Rural area: The extension of unreliable areas, specifically
represented by larger negative height differences, was
significantly reduced, leading to an increase of the bias to 4
meters, which may realistically be caused by the forest
areas (yellow and red areas in difference model).
Mountainous area: The maximum elevation errors are
drastically reduced, although large elevation errors of some
150 meters are still locally present. The standard deviation
is reduced to about 9 meters, while the bias was increased
to 5 meters. Although not really clear, this could again be
due to vegetation and forests, the surface of which should
have been tentatively reconstructed.
Urban area: The surface model clearly shows the road network
of the city of Barcelona. Elevation differences in the built-
up areas are typically in yellow, i.e. in the order of 5 to 15
meters and correspond well to the potential height of
buildings. Hence, also a bias of 11.4 meters is achieved for
this test area.
For each of these test areas the standard deviation corresponds
well to the 8.4 meters RMS error which has been achieved in
the a-priori analysis based on control points (see Table 2). For
visual quality control again stereo ortho photos were generated.
These are shown in Figure 6 in an anaglyph presentation for the
mountainous and the urban test area. Again, a significant
improvement can be immediately notified for the mountainous
area, although major elevation errors still cause geocoding
errors, which are well visible in the stereo ortho photos overlay.
Model Area Mean | Std.Dev. Min. Max.
2 4.0 6.9 -31.0 44.4
THR-HRSI 4 5.0 8.8| -172.0 156.0
6 11.4 09 -29.0 61.4
Table 7: Summary of elevation difference statistics for
investigated test cases.
A Spot 5 image data set acquired over the city of Barcelona was
used to investigate the accuracy of 3D data being extracted
stereoscopically. Stereo modelling using high quality control
points has shown a height accuracy of some 4 meters for the
HRS stereo pair, while the planimetric accuracy was worse by a
factor of 2. When using a multi-sensor THR/HRS image pair,
the planimetric accuracy can be improved to less than 3 meters,
but the height accuracy is degraded by a factor of 2. Surface
models were extracted from HRS image pairs as well as from a
THR/HRS image pair for different type of terrain. However, a
comprehensive and thorough quality analysis is hardly possible
for vegetated and built-up areas, because only a ground model
but no surface reference data are available. Future work will
focus on the utilization of an image triple comprised by the
HRS stereo images as well as the THR scene. This promises a
significant upgrade of achievable accuracies in the order of a
few meters in planimetry as well as height for any type of
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