Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Image 1 x Image | y Image2 x Image2 y 
ID (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) 
18 7981.0812 1521.5083 8057.627 1446.6207 
19 4559.0702 1861.6845 4625.7352 1857.5047 
20 2045.1481 2296.4619 2124.6203 2350.5714 
21 9562.9853 4407.4044 9639.9255 4307.7669 
22 7217.227 4546.3645 7279.5502 4482.6171 
23 1705.4913 4660.2865 1789.0174 4718.1817 
24 4319.8174 7355.0785 4384.7155 7340.8119 
25 10253.924 7493.6821 10338.7181 7373.299 
26 1613.0052 7518.3053 1697.6769 7565.7741 
27 6255.3087 9431.4391 6321.6722 9359.1327 
28 9034.7072 9454.9573 9113.0584 9310.198 
29 1707.2829 10206.7762 1790.0971 10232.9992 
30 4662.4378 10340.3363 4729.9712 10285.113 
Table A-2. The image coordinates of the tie points used in ERDAS 
Image | x Image | y Image2 x Image2 y 
ID (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) Xg (m) Yg (m) Zg (m) 
G0001 3191.063 2439.813 3263.469 2466.094 370043.3 4146742 -25.814 
G0002 4210.2 11612.54 4282.938 11496.06 368207.2 4100067 566.881 
G0003 11720.54 8401.98. 11791.47 8237.406 444762.2 4096607 258.618 
G0004 8475.43 2139.39 8546.469 2059.594 421512.2 4135015 -22.191 
G0005 7319.33 6602.97 7391.594 6526.344 404622.9 4116308 5.418 
G0006 7749.594 7729.406 7821.594 7620.469 407351.8 4109842 157.167 
30007 8837.438 9877.563 8908.563 9692.438 415130 4096878 499.656 
G0008 5942.438 11480.44 6014.438 11384.44 385071.4 4096248 218.974 
G0009 3933 969 6980.969 4007.016 6973.953 371415 4122935 11.932 
G0010 7376.53] 2095 531 7447.469 2031.531 410957.4 4137988 -22.514 
G0011 9735.484 5330.453 9807.492 5231.43 429583.6 4116396 -22.267 
G0012 6967.508 6299.508 7039.492 6231.492 401610.5 4118664 1.576 
G0013 5637.438 9017.438 5709.563 8961.438 385266.8 4108856 49.411 
G0014 5049.5 1858.5 S121,516 1839.547 388759.7 4144934 -22.076 
G0015 8225.484 4793.984 8297.531 4712.031 415695.6 4122793 -21.47 
G0016 7292.477 10834.46 7363.508 10673.46 398975.3 4096096 474.2 
G0017 4913.453 4365484 - 4985.484 4342.484 384239.3 4133164 -11.028 
Table A-3. The image and ground coordinates of the ground control points and Check points 

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