if the end points of a rectangle side lie in the nodes of a grid,
where maximum value i equal
Ins = ERU ? (2)
JA[ is the smallest integer not smaller than A (ceiling-function).
Take advantage the formula (2) and geometrical constructions
it is easy to show that
ES D ^ (3)
if 9 & [ 0, arctg J> and
| —
À p
B o qm EN (4)
if t | « 2
arctg — =
s 2 2 4
When horizontal projection a, of the rectangle side a is less than
corresponding projection L, of the sequence (1), the width of
non-sensitivity zone is
B* = cos © — jo Sin ® (jo = 0, 1,...,q -2) (5)
for 0s o S —.
Let all corner points of a rectangle lie in the nodes of a grid.
Then we have (see Lebedev and Zolotoy, 2001)
A-2425 (6)
where f is calculated by (3) or (4).
In the other cases we have (fora, = Ly)
ApT AT A (7)
where A, is minimal distance between the corner point of a
rectangle and its black contour points.
Using geometrical constructions we can show that is correct the
next estimations for Ao:
\2 (cos @ - B) < Ay <2(cos ¢ - p). (8)
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
Then according to (6) and (7) we have the next estimation for
As from (8):
V2 cos p < À < 2c05 — ( 2-2 ) p. (9)
Note that the function A defined by the expression (6) and the
functions A's 7 2cosQ — 2 — Ja Jp. As = 2 cosp defined
by the inequalities (9) are symmetric functions relative to @, =
(1/4)n in intervals [(1/2)(n — 1), (1/2)n] (n = 1,2,...). Besides,
these functions are periodic with the minimal period in 7/2.
If the width of non-sensitivity zone is determined by the
equality (5), the estimation of the corresponding error is
^ * 7 N2cos^ 9 - 2josin © cos Q ^ jo sin" 9 (10)
where index jo corresponds the side of a rectangle that oriented
under the angle o for its lower right and upper left angles, and
oriented under the angle q + 7/2 for its lower left and upper
right angles.
Estimations (6), (9), and (10) are the same for the other figures
with mutually perpendicular boundary segments. For acute-
angled objects these estimations are lower estimations, and for
the obtuse-angled objects they are upper estimations. Proper
formulas can be derived in analogous manner.
The functions A» = 2coso - [o -./2 Jf. Ay = J? cos 0,
and A=+/2 B are plotted in figure 2 (the curves 1,2 and 3
correspondingly). We can see that maximal error (curvel)
exceeds minimal error (curve3) approximately in 32 times. But
the probability that all corner points of a rectangle lie in the
nodes of a grid is hardly possible. Thus, the worst case (curvel)
or the middle case ( curve2) are more likely. We can also see
that the expressions for the errors estimation can be used for the
optimization of the images reading (aerospace pictures,
drawings, schemes, etc.). In particular, the positional accuracy
of the rectangles (and other figures with mutually perpendicular
boundary segments) reading can be increased in the manner of
certain orientation of the figures on a grid. For example, if the
object was oriented along the axes OX, OY of coordinate
system XOY combined with the scanner coordinate system, the
error is maximum and equal À = H5. It can be decreased
in 23 times if the figure angle orientation will be 35? (see
curve 3 in fig. 2). For the other cases (see curves 1 and 2 in fig.
2) optimal angle orientation of the objects is 45°. It permits us
to reduce the errors to step of a grid. Correspondingly,
maximum error for a centroid of a rectangle is in this case
À = AS /2. It is in /2 times less than for the angle orientation
@ = 0°. The scattering of the coordinates x,, y. of a centroid will
be also less for ¢ = 45°. For example, if these coordinates
satisfy a uniform distribution, the variance D = 1/24 for ¢ = 45
° and D = 1/12 for ¢ = 0°. In all cases the positional accuracy is
increased if we estimate the corner points position by both black
and white contour points coordinates and put them as an
On the sc
random poi
centroid ar
Troitsky, ar
for the ang
located witl
of a rectang
the varianc
variance D
7. SI
The derive
aerial picti
scanning or
matching a
example, |
errors can
between th
features su
factors (W:
the objects
buildings r
the man-ı
etc.), synth