Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
e Calculates statistics for every camera image in real- shows a zoomed in detail of the antenna mast in the 
time mode (minimum, maximum, average, median background The antenna was 2.3 kilometers from the camera. 
and deviation). 
e Allows to display image in different modes: RGB, R, 
G, B and Gray scale. 
e Performs gamma-correction for every camera image. Les pe 
e Allows to adjust LUT for every color channel using 
curves (curves can be saved and loaded for further 
e Supports different operation modes taking into 
account color lag. 
e Allows to adjust internal program parameters like 
number of buffers and size of buffers manually. 
e Provides different image saving options: 
o Selecting cameras to write and cameras to 
o Color &pth for every camera (8 … 14 bits 
per channel). 
o Color channel for every camera to save 
(RGB, R, G, B, Gray scale). 
o Image compression (lossless, lossy) — not 
realized yet. 
e — Reads and writes camera's registers using terminal. 
e Contains settings window with simple hierarchical 
structure to adjust most used board registers 
(frequency, exposition, etc). 
e . Saves received images to HDD applying image 
correction and visualizes writing process. 
e Automatically creates image map (for further 
comfortable work with large raster files) and saves it 
to HDD. 
e — Automatically numerates output files, creates info- 
files with all necessary information about images. 
e Displays total size of saved image, free disk space, 
writing time, etc. 
DAS Viewer: 
e Opens RAW-files of unlimited size, supports both Figure 6. Close-up of antenna 
color and gray scale images with bit depth from 8 to 
16 bits per channel. 
e Uses image map for quick image navigation. 
e Saves image fragments to RAW, BMP and TIFF 
formats with various bit depth. 
e Cuts images to fragments with defined size and 
! e Builds histogram of user-defined image fragment for 
Directly acquired digital imagery is seeing widespread 
acceptance in the photogrammetric community. The 
combination of a wide field of view three line scanner and a 
new, high performance stabilized platform appear to make the 
= ety color channel : ; 3-DAS-1 an attractive system for large scale topographic 
: e — Performs image correction (brightness, contrast, mapping, and associated tasks. Coming tests with aerial 
gamma or curves) in 16-bits per channel mode. imagery over controlled target fields will be made to quantify 
geopositioning performance. 
DAS Photogrammetric Processing: 
e  LevelO to Level | conversion 
e Channel pairwise rectification for stereo compilation 5. REFERENCES 
and matching 
e DEM generation 1. Gruen, A., Zhang, L., 2002. Sensor Modelling 
e Ortho rectification for Aerial Mobile Mapping with Three- 
Line Scanner (TLS) Imagery. ISPRS 
Commission Il Symposium on Integrated 
3. RESULTS System for Spatial Data Production, Xi'an, PRC 
2. Hoffman, O., Nave' P., Ebner, H., 1982. DPS A 
As mentioned the 3-DAS-1 is just about to acquire first aerial Digital Photogrammetric System for Producing 
data. The following terrestrial image, Figure 5, was acquired Digital Elevation Models and Orthophotos by 
from one channel out of a windo w in the laboratory. Figure 6 Means of Linear Array Scanner Imagery. Int. 

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