Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Sources of geometric errors at desktop scanners 
[n order to objectively evaluate geometric accuracy it is 
necessary to know the most important error sources and their 
nature. In general, these errors can be divided to slowly and 
frequently varying errors. 
Slowly varying errors are: 
e lens distortion 
e misalignments of CCD sensors 
e imperfection of transport mechanism 
Frequently varying errors are: 
e vibration 
e electronic noises 
e mechanical positioning 
It is important to mention that only effects caused by slowly 
varying errors can be removed. Stability of error sources during 
longer period of scanning is therefore very important. This is 
prerequisite that these errors could be removed efficiently. 
2.2 Mathematical model 
Geometrical calibration of desktop scanners can be seen as 
interpolation problem. This problem, in most of the cases, can 
be solved by some method of approximation - law on error 
propagation is supposed by some mathematical function. Due to 
the several error sources with unknown error propagation, the 
most suitable interpolation method fir geometric calibration is 
some of prediction methods. Linear prediction by least squares 
method was chosen as the most appropriate method in this 
2.2.1 Linear prediction by least squares method 
This method is also known as least-squares collocation, with 
remark that linear prediction represents special case of 
collocation. Moritz introduced the method in geodesy for the 
first time, for determination of gravitation anomalies and 
vertical deviations. This method starts with the assumption that 
interpolating function could be considered as stationary random 
function of two variables. In order to start with this assumption, 
it is necessary to remove the trend influence from referent point 
values so the points will have small absolute values and 
arithmetical mean will be close to zero. Then, the assumption is 
that these values are composed of correlated (systematic, also 
known as signal) and uncorrelated (random, known as noise) 
part. The task of prediction is to determine correlation 
component at interpolated point, based on known referent 
values. Interpolated value is sum of previously eliminated trend 
value and this systematic part. Random part is treated as 
measurement error at referent point or as noise, which should be 
filtrated i.e. removed. 
Trend removal can be done by calculation of trend surface and 
subtracting it from measured surface. Trend surface is usually 
represented by low order polynomials. Optionally, preliminary 
interpolation with relatively high level of smoothing could be 
For the final interpolation of unknown values at arbitrary points 
it is necessary to know stochastic characteristics of both 
components (correlated and uncorrelated) participating in 
known values. These characteristics can be determined 
empirically based on known values in referent points, or based 
on several previously accepted assumptions. 
These characteristics are represented by covariance function, 
with beforehand assumption that function depends just on 
mutual distance of observed points and not on their position. 
Gaussian bell function is often used as covariance function 
Cy=Ce (1) 
Unknown parameters of covariance function (C and K for 
Gaussian function; d is the distance between samples) can be 
determined empirically if one has enough referent points (over 
30). Based on known values, variance is calculated and 
considered the same for all referent points, as well as covariance 
for different intervals between referent points. Unknown 
parameters of covariance function can be determined based on 
empirically calculated covariance. The case of "clean" 
prediction means that C value of Gaussian function is equal to 
covariance of correlated components. Decrease in this value 
leads to increase in data filtering, i.e. interpolated values will 
differ from known values at referent points. 
During the process of scanner geometric calibration 
measurements are pertaining to two-dimensional coordinate 
system. Since scanning errors are usually considered in 
directions of two coordinate axes, the task of prediction is 
conducted independently for cach of them and covariance 
function is determined for each coordinate direction. 
2.3 Software for the geometric calibration 
Software called DigiScan 2000 is adapted for the needs of 
desktop scanner calibration. Software is generally intended for 
the calibration and georeferencing of scanned maps, but some 
additional functions for image analysis and processing are also 
provided. Batch resampling is also supported and this is very 
important for photogrammetric scanning. DigiScan 2000 has 
built-in mathematical models for Helmert, affine, polynomial 
second order transformation, as well as mathematical models for 
linear prediction by least squares, with or without filtering. All 
the processing and calibration result analysis, as well as the 
process of scanned image resampling was done by using this 
2.4 Process of calibration and image scanning 
Nature of scanning errors, as well as their stability and 
repeatability during the scanning, have to be determined during 
the calibration process. Several objectives were set for the 
process of geometric scanner calibration: 
e determination of overall scanner error and value of 
systematic part in this error, 
e determination of global stability of systematic errors, 
e determination of local stability of systematic errors 
Influence of changing spatial and radiometrical resolution of 
scanning as well as influence of scanner warming on scanning 
errors has to be considered. 
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