Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
here, «1 
| the DA 
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Figure 1. Differential interferogram (above) and differential - 
the atmospheric delay signals of Shanghai study region (below). A 30 8 40 5 060 5. 1 © 35 
Figure 3. Differential interferogram (above) and differential 
atmospheric delay signals of New South Wales study region 
and (below). A square region of 20 km x 20 km is chosen for 
square region of 50 km x 50 km is chosen for further study. 
It is further study. 
| the 
dis Hiterferoeram Master Slave B | h,, 
luce = (ERSI) (ERS2) (m) | (m) 
1t of Shanghai 19/02/1996 | 20/02/1996 | -44 | 216 
| the Hong Kong 18/03/1996 | 19/03/1996 | 100 | 95 
| an New South Wales | 29/10/1995 | 30/10/1995 | -49 194 
r of 
racy | Table 1 Summary of the tandem pairs. 
3  Anisotropy of Atmospheric Signal 
y of 3.1 The Radon Transform 
| CO- 
al | Radon transform is the projection of image intensities along 
| by radial lines at a specified angle. A single Radon transform is a 
els | mapping from two dimensions to one dimension where the 
; 40 image intensities collapse to a profile. It is therefore a tool to 
will | investigate anisotropy in images since systematic intensity 
un | variantions in a particular direction will be significantly visible 
ram | as a profile. The definition of Radon transform is (Bracewell, 
eful 1995) 
ures | 
tis, | 
id | RAS (x)= [ [ re yXé(r — xcos8— ysinQydxdy (1) 
and ^ - . . . ~~ E . 
where f(x, y)is the image intensity, 6 is the profile direction 
(counterclockwise from horizontal), and Ó is the Dirac delta 
atmospheric delay signals of Hong Kong study region (below). function. When applied to a discrete image d, , the Radon 
À square region of 12 km x 12 km is chosen for further study. 
Figure 2. Differential interferogram (above) and differential 
transform becomes 

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