Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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where d,, is the original image rotated clockwise by an angle 
O0 and N isthe / th column of the rotated image. 
3.2 Anisotropy of Atmospheric signal 
To systematically examine the anisotropy of atmospheric 
signature, we calculate the Radon transform of each differential 
interferogram. In the analysis, we use a normalized version of 
the Radon transform (Jónsson, 2002) 
Rd, } = R, 1d, }/N (3) 
It gives the average atmospheric effect values along lines 
perpendicular to profile direction. The Radon transform of 
atmospheric signatures in the three interferograms are shown in 
Figures 4, 5 and 6. 
0 50 100 150 
Figure 4. Radon transform of atmospheric signatures over 
Shanghai study region (unit: mm) 
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Figure 5. Radon transform of atmospheric signatures over Hong 
Kong study region (unit: mm) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
100 159 
Figure 6. Radon transform of atmospheric signatures over New 
South Wales study region (unit: mm) 
The Radon transforms of the three study regions show variable 
anisotropy. In the first transform, while the whole image shows 
a nearly opposite symmetry along the center of the profile, the 
extremely strong trends are visible in the two sides of the 
profile when the angle varies from 0 to 90 degrees. This implies 
that small areas of positive and negative atmospheric signals 
locate in the southwest and northeast corner of the original 
differential fields, respectively (Figure 1). The second 
transform (Figure 5) also shows significant anisotropy with a 
strong trend at about [35° The third transform (Figure 6) shows 
very interesting patterns. From 0° to 90° the values change 
from positive extremes to negative extremes slowly while from 
91° to 180° thet change oppositely. This suggests that in all the 
four corners there are positive or negative phase concentrations. 
The original atmospheric fields (Figure 3) confirm that in the 
northeast and southeast corners there is a small amount of 
negative phases concentration while there are positive phase 
concentrations in the northwest and southwest corners. 
Of the three transforms, the second shows much complicated 
variations. This may be due to the fact that the Shanghai and 
New South Wales regions are relatively flat, while there are 
several mountains in the Hong Kong region, with the highest 
elevation being about 1 km. The complication in mountainous 
region is due mainly to: (1) the vertical stratification effect or 
“static” effect of the troposphere (Delacourt et al., 1998; 
Willianms et al, 1998) related to significant topographic 
variations, and (2) effect of the mountains on the local weather 
conditions as the weather conditions can be quite different in 
the two sides of a mountain. 
4  Non-Gaussianity of Atmospheric Signals 
4.1 Statistics for Hinich Non-Gaussianity Test 
If a signal is purely Gaussian, its bispectrum will be zeros. 
Therefore the Gaussianity of the atmospheric signals can be 
checked by examining the deviation of its bispectrum from 
zero. To this end, a consistent estimator of bispectrum from 
finite samples is needed. Several such estimators have been 
proposed in the past decades: (1) smoothing the sample 
bispectrum in the bifrequency domain; (2) dividing the sample 
into a number of segments and doing bifrequency smoothing in 
each segment and then averaging the piecewise smoothed 
bispectra; and (3) parametric method, etc. (Hinich, 1982; Lii 
and Rosenblatt, 1982; Nikias and Raghuveer, 1987). We will 
adopt the second method here. 
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