Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 8. Power spectrum of differential atmospheric signals in 
the Hong Kong study region. The dashed lines follow a slope of 
10* : 
4 V 1 Na 
E (0 A. 
s hé 
: 3 
o 0° N 
i 1 E 
g = 
o X 
a. No 
10° ™ 
10 à 
10° 10” 10° 10° 10° 
Wavenumber (cycle/km) 
Figure 9. Power spectrum of differential atmospheric signals in 
the New South Wales study region. The dashed lines follow a 
slope of —8/3. 
The power spectra of the differential atmospheric delays in all 
the three areas on the whole follow the power law, which is 
commonly associated with the Kolmogorov turbulence 
(Tatarski, 1961). The results are in good agreement with those 
presented by Hanssen (1998, 2001). The dashed lines in the 
diagrams are the - 8/3 power law values. The power law 
index varies with the scales slightly, which is consistent with 
the turbulence behavior of such phenomena as integrated water 
vapor (Ruf and Beus, 1997), and the wet delays in radio 
ranging. > 
The power law spectral property of the atmospheric signals is 
very useful. For example, Ferretti et al (1999) takes advantage 
of the particular spectral (or frequency) characteristics to 
estimate the noise and atmospheric effects powers for each 
interferogram and based on the results develop method to 
combine the resulted SAR DEMs by means of a weighted 
average in wavelet domain instead of the simple average; 
Ferretti et al (2000) utilize the frequency characteristic to 
design filters to separate atmospheric effects from nonlinear 
subsidence; Williams et al. (1998) however conclude based on 
spectral analysis that the low-frequency (long-wavelength) 
components of atmospheric effects have the largest amplitude, 
and therefore the sparse external data, such as GPS and 
meteorological data, can be used to calibrate such effects: Li et 
al. (2004) incorporate the power law nature in designing 
algorithms to integrate CGPS and meteorological data for 
atmospheric effects mitigation. 
Though in all of the areas the power spectra follow the power 
law, the absolute powers of differential atmospheric delays are 
different. Examining the power at the frequency of 1 km in 
Figure 7, 8, and 9, we know clearly that the power decreases in 
an order Hong Kong > New South Wales > Shanghai. This 
ranking order indicates to certain extent the severeness of the 
atmospheric effects in these areas. In flat areas, only the 
turbulent mixing process of the troposphere will affect the 
InSAR measurements, whilst in mountainous areas both 
turbulent mixing and vertical stratification will affect InSAR 
measurements. The effects of vertical stratification may even 
become dominant in areas with high mountains (Hanssen, 
2001). While the Hong Kong study area is mountainous, 
Shanghai and New South Wales study areas are quite flat. For 
example, in the Shanghai study area, the standard deviation of 
ground variations is less than 5 m; the ground roughness of 
New South Wales is larger than that of Shanghai, but on the 
whole it is reasonably flat. Therefore it could reasonably be 
expected that the Hong Kong study area is more severely 
affected by the atmosphere than the New South Wales area and 
that the New South Wales area is more severely affected than 
the Shanghai area. However. it should be noted that the results 
are obtained for normal weather conditions. Under extreme 
conditions, such as thunderstorms and heavy showers, the 
results may vary. 
6 Conclusions 
The atmospheric effects on InSAR measurements in two areas 
of southern China and one area of Australia have been studied. 
The results show that in all the three areas the atmospheric 
signatures show strong anisotropy though with quite different 
patterns. The Hinich tests in the three areas invariably reveal 
that the atmospheric signatures are non-Gaussian, rather than 
being Gaussian as commonly assumed. Further spectral 
analysis shows that the approximate power law distribution 
holds for all the three study areas though with different 
strengths. Further study will focus on the impact of the results 
on InSAR measurements and parameter estimation. 
Acknowledgements: The work presented was partially 
supported by grants from the Research Grants Council of the 
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: 
PolyU 5064/02E) and the Australian Research Council. The 
images are provided by European Space Agency under the 
Category 1 User project (AO-1227). 
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