Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

Jalal amini 
Department of Surveying Engineering, Faculty of engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Automation, Extraction, Fuzzy, Image 
Images are the most important data sources that used for problems in photogrammetry such as automatic object extraction, automatic 
orientation and so on. In the most problems, it needs to segment an image to unknown regions for further analysis. In this paper 
applied a model for segmentation of an image. The model is applied base on smoothed histogram of the image. First, the histogram 
of the image is smoothed with gaussian kernel and then, the regions with similar properties are detected based on the automatic 
extraction of peak and valley points in the smoothed histogram to segmentation of image. In the model, we consider the common 
areas between the objects as fuzzy areas, The model is tested on the Spot images from Iran. 
Automatic information extraction of the terrain surface in the 
fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing requires the 
formulation of procedures and knowledge that encapsulate the 
content of the images. This is a non-trivial task, because of the 
complexity of the information contained in the images, Images 
of the terrain surface in photogrammetry may have scales 
varying from 1:3000 to a smaller scale of 1:90000 while in 
remote sensing the pixel footprints usually vary from 1 to 30m 
(Sowmya and Trinder, 2000). The structure of the features in 
images of the terrain is complex, being a combination of many 
different intensities that can represent natural features, man 
made objects such as buildings and roads , shadows and other 
changes in brightness. In addition , when the scale increased, 
the content in which features occur becomes considerably more 
complex. These characteristics mean that extraction of 
information in aerial and satellite images presents major 
In order to use automatic mapping or special data 
acquisition and updating, identification of cartographic objects 
in aerial/satellite images has attracted increasing attention in 
recent years in digital photogrammetry and remote sensing. 
Extraction of roads as man-made objects are attended in 
automatic mapping. Therefore, road detection is necessary for 
the automation of extracting roads from images. In recent years 
a number of papers are published in road extraction 
(Baumgartner et al, 1999: Barzohar and Cooper, 1993; 
Couloigner and Ranchin, 2000; Gruen, 1997). Some papers 
applied semi-automatic methods and others used automatic 
methods. When we use automatic methods, it is necessary to 
make clear roads from images. 
The high capability of high resolution satellite imagery (HRSI), 
that includes spatial, spectral, temporal, radiometric resolution 
and stereoscopic capability is a powerful new source for the 
photogrammetry and remote sensing. Therefore there is a wide 
desire to extracting accurate 2D and 3D terrain information 
from Im satellite imagery. Also, there are four advantages of 
high resolution satellites (Li, 1998). First, the highest resolution 
ever available to the civilian mapping community. Second, 
extremely long camera focal length for capturing terrain relief 
information from satellite orbit. Then, for-nadir and aft-looking 
linear CCD arrays supplying in-track stereo strips and “ 
pointing capabilities generation cross-track sterco strips. 
Finally, a base-height ratio of 0.6 and greater. 
In this paper, we use a method based of fuzzy sets for 
segmentation of Spot images. 
Recently, fuzzy set theory has been widely used in 
photogrammetry and remote sensing. Researchers like Wang 
(1989) applied fuzzy set theory in an expert system for remote 
sensing image analysis, Moon (1991) used fuzzy logic system 
for integration of different data sets and Krishna Mohan et al. 
(2000) used fuzzy logic approaches for land use classification 
on IRS-1A L2 data. Here, we used fuzzy logic system for road 
identification from IKONOS images. 
The complete structure of a fuzzy logic system for 
segmentation consist of three steps: First, all input, real 
variables (Means and SDs), have to be translated into linguistic 
variables, Mean and SD, (fuzzification step). Second step called 
fuzzy inference that evaluates the set of IF-THEN rules that 
define system behavior. The last step called defuzzification that 
translates the fuzzy inference results into a real values as 
output. Here, we used three linguistic variables with their terms 
as follows: 
Mean = {Down-bad, Down-prob-good, Good. Up-prob- 
good, Up-bad)], 
Standard-Deviation(SD) =  (Down-bad, Down-prob- 
good, Good, Up-prob-good, 
Up-bad], and 
Gray-Scale(GS) = fDown-bad, Down-prob-road, Road, 
Up-prob-road, Up-bad]. 
Two membership functions: II shape and Gaussian shape, 
are used for all the variables terms. We defined vector X as 
input linguistic variables (Mean and SD), and Y which include 
the output state linguistic variable, Gray-Scale, For every 
linguistic variable, each term is defined by its membership 
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