Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
the surface perfect. The relatively bad results for the DCM 
DSM in plot 60 are probably caused by the extend of the DSM. 
It was probably to small for the tree finding algorithm. 
The results show clearly the potential of DSM generation with 
high resolution digital cameras for forest surfaces. The point 
density of matched 3D points of more than 10 pts/m? is even 
better than the TopoSys scanner, which is well known for its 
high point density. 
The applied method of DSM generation using a feature-based 
matching approach could successfully reconstruct deciduous 
canopy surfaces with almost the same accuracy as the laser 
scanner did. However, the method failed especially when single 
coniferous trees were present in the plot by cutting the tree tops 
and underestimating the lower areas between the trees. This is 
mainly caused by the following. Firstly, the matching works 
erroneously in occlusion areas. Secondly, the single trees 
representing objects with large x-parallaxes in the images are 
cut by the algorithm and the matching parameters since no pre- 
knowledge about the DSM is used. Thirdly, the matching of 
feature points is error prone since it 1s restricted to two stereo 
images. In some cases 30 % and even more mis-matches could 
be observed which makes robust filtering of a surface almost 
impossible. However, the procedure was originally designed for 
DTM generation in open field areas. Therefore, the inferior 
results especially in the plot 50 are only caused by the specific 
matching method and the DSM reconstruction which has never 
been adopted for tree reconstruction. 
There are several ways to improve the matching strategy of the 
present algorithm for canopy reconstruction. Basically the 
feature-based matching part must take full advantage of 
multiple image overlap. In our case we would even have a 
perfect overlap of at least 6 images for the entire area. In this 
case the error percentage would be drastically reduced because 
geometrical constraints like epipolar lines could be used. This 
would in turn lead to a significant improvement of accuracy and 
reliability thanks to the multiple 3D intersection. Also, the 
matching part must cope with occlusions which are always 
present when perspective images of tall objects are used. 
Furthermore, the simple 2.5 DSM model must be replaced by a 
true 3D DSM representation based on a TIN structure. If pre- 
knowledge about the terrain (e.g. laser DSM) is available the 
algorithm must be able to use it. This approach would use a true 
3D DSM representation to model the trees rather than a specific 
tree model. The latter would also be possible once the single 
trees are successfully delineated and located by an appropriate 
method. Since the point density is mainly dependent on the 
image scale a grid spacing of 50cm or even better is possible. 
These results show the potential of DSM's derived from digital 
images for forestry and other environmental applications in 
forested landscapes. In comparison to laserscannning the 
application of digital cameras shows two main advantages: 
Firstly, the costs for the image acquisition are much lower. 
Secondly, spectral information of high quality is collected 
simultaneously. However, it is not possible to collect 
information about the vertical structure and the ground surface 
of forests. Therefore it is to be concluded that for future forest 
inventory tasks a combination of both sensors is advantageous 
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