International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
the total accuracy of the laser scanning is not as simple and as
straightforward as it was thought. ..... It was observed that there
is a flight line-dependent systematic and random error affecting
on the total accuracy obtained. It was observed that the higher
the flight altitude, the higher is the random error of terrain
models. 800m flying altitude gives poorer results than 100m
flying altitude. Laser measured heights are in general above the
real ground surface. For asphalt surfaces a standard deviation of
10cm is obtainable from H=550m and from lower altitudes the
results are even better. A systematic error of typically 10 cm
was observed due to observation angle changes.’
Abdullatif et al (2003) have also investigated the accuracy of
LiDAR and report systematic errors, but an overall accuracy of
about 12cm. Overall accuracy of LiDAR can be as good as
10cm, but in practice varies according to the quality of the
calibration and the terrain surface.
Airborne IfSAR can achieve accuracies of 0.5m, but also varies
according to calibration, altitude and terrain surface. Mercer
(2003a) discusses the trade offs between accuracy and swath
width and states that the theoretical accuracy from 30,000ft is
0.45m and 0.30 m at 10,000ft.
UCL has carried out an analysis of the Nextmap Great Britain
dat which used two test areas (Dowman et al, 2003) and made
use of LiDAR, GPS and aerial photography as reference data.
The initial comparison of Kinematic GPS with the Nextmap
DSM showed unexpectedly large errors, which turned out to be
due to the effects of hedges and trees on the Nextmap due to
the footprint size. These were removed by filtering in order to
climinate outliers due to vegetation that bias the accuracy
measures. The 3c threshold was used as starting point for
filtering the difference data (KGPS minus Nextmap DSM). It is
clear that points on the DSM are measured to be higher than
their true value because of the size of the footprint of the
Nextmap data. If the bare earth algorithm is effective, these
errors should be corrected in the DTM, results are shown in
table 3. It can be seen that a shift of between 0.3m and 0.8m has
occurred and that this has therefore significantly improved the
root mean square error.
Photogrammetric check points collected from the stereo-model
of aerial photography in open bare earth areas, clear of
surrounding surface features within a 5m radius were compared
with the DSM and the results can be found in Table 3. The
Nextmap DTM and the photogrammetric checkpoints are in
good agreement. A mean difference in elevation of -0.61m from
the check points and a rmse of 0.83m was observed.
Furthermore, the vertical accuracy of the Nextmap data was
evaluated by comparing the Nextmap DTM bald earth surface
with Lidar derived reference DTMs. Results of these
comparisons are also listed in Table 3. The Nextmap DTM was
subtracted from the reference DTMs (reference DTM minus
Nextmap DTM.
Two sub areas of open terrain type were selected and difference
statistics produced. The Lidar DSM and the aerial photography
DSM were chosen as a reference. Both, the Nextmap DSM and
the DTM product were compared to the reference data sets. The
results of these different comparisons are given in tables 4 and 5.
The best accuracy of the Nextmap data is obtained over an open
field, which is interpreted as bare earth, where a mean
difference between the Nextmap and aerial photography is
0.23m (Nextmap higher) and the rmse is 0.43m. The mean
difference between the Aerial DSM and the Nextmap is
effectively zero. This suggests that the bare earth algorithm has
removed a mean difference of 0.23m in bare earth area. This
corresponds to the finding discussed earlier, which also
indicates that the bare earth algorithm affects the mean. This
result needs further investigation.
The Nextmap and Lidar surfaces are in good agreement in both
the sub areas. Over a cropped area the Nextmap DSM has a
mean difference of —0.61m and rmse of 0.77m, from the Lidar
DSM. The Nextmap DTM has a mean difference of -0.38m and
rmse of 0.48m from the Lidar reference DTM.
Comparison Terrain Type | Land cover
n Vmin Vmax VMean o[m] Rmse, [m]
KGPS 3 vs. Nextmap
DSM points > +1.5m
Co flat) roads (bare earth)
Mixed (hilly, | KGPS located along
1994 -1.50 0.05 -0.95 [0.34 1.00
KGPS 3 DIM vs | Mixed (hilly,
Nextmap DTM flat) earth)
KGPS located along
road network (bare
2647 -1.52 0.48 -0.66 |0.32 0.73
Nextmap DSM points
> +1.9m removed
Mixed (hilly,
flat) road network (ba
KGPS located along
1475 -1.85 1.00 -0.96 | 0.49 1.08
KGPS 6 DTM vs.|Mixed (hilly,
Nextmap DTM flat) cod UE (ba
KGPS located along
1568 -1.73 8.
0.45 0.47
Air photo check points
vs. Nextmap DSM Mixed
Bald earth
66 -1.66 0.43 -0.61 10.57 0.83
Lidar DTM vs. | Mixed (hilly,
Nextmap DTM (5) flat) Bald earth
85362 |-9.20 12.04 |-0.22 | 0.10 1.01
Table 3. Summary of results from NUI Nextmap DTM evaluation of Shrewsbury area
Notes: All DEMs have 5m grid. KGPSi refers to ith profile recorded along roads.
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