Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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Xu Qing, Jin Guowang, Zhu Caiying, Wang Zhengde, He Yu , Yang Peizhang 
Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 450052, Zhengzhou, China 
Xg64(037]1.net , jgw77(tsohu.com, caivine.zhu(@inta.com.en 
Commission VI, WG VI/4 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, SAR, Image, DEM/DTM, Data mining, 
INSAR(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) has been studied and used widely in the field of generating high accuracy 
DEM(Digital Elevation Model). The processing of INSAR includes many key technologies, such as image matching, phase 
unwrapping, baseline estimation, etc. The phase unwrapping is difficult, but it can be made easy and simple by an excellent 
interferogram filtering, as is often ignored by many people. So, in this paper, the interferogram filtering and phase unwrapping are both 
studied. In the aspect of filtering, some filtering methods such as mean filtering, median filtering, adaptive filtering, multi-look 
filtering and the vector filtering are analyzed and compared. The filtering results show that the vector filtering is more excellent than 
others. Then, it is presented that the interferogram filtering is a critical technology for the phase unwrapping, we should filter the 
interferogram noises before phase unwrapping, and a new scheme for phase unwrapping is put into practice in the paper. Firstly, the 
interferogram is filtered by vector filtering method. Secondly, The filtered images generated from different filtering methods are 
unwrapped successfully by selecting a compatible gate value of coherence or of fake coherence with region grow method. Both the 
vector filtering for interferogram and the region grow phase unwrapping method can be applied in the successful phase unwrapping. 
They will promote a wider use of INSAR in generating DEMs. 
INSAR is one of the best techniques to derive DEM(Digital 
Elevation Model). It has some prominent advantages, such as 
fast, high precision, and working without the limitation of time 
and climates. But the phase unwrapping, which is one of the key 
processing steps of INSAR, cannot be practically used. So, this 
paper plays emphases on the studying of phase unwrapping. We 
all know that there are a lot of methods for phase unwrapping, 
but none of them can be used for all practical data. Most of them 
can get successful unwrapping results for simulated data, but 
unsuccessful results for practical data. They can't be practically 
used in the processing of INSAR due to the neglect of 
interferogram's filtering in former processing. The great 
influence of noises on phase unwrapping being considered, this 
paper presents that the filtering of interferogram is a key 
technology of phase unwrapping. Several common filtering 
methods, such as non Adaptive filtering, Adaptive filtering and 
Multilooking filtering, are analyzed and compared, and a new 
vector filtering method is presented, whose filtering results are 
better than others. Then the region grow phase unwrapping 
method based on the coherence image or on the fake coherence 
image is used for unwrapping the interferograms filtered by 
vector filtering. 
The results show that the vector filtering and the region 
grow phase unwrapping based on the coherence image or on the 
fake one by selecting a compatible gate value are successful for 
phase unwrapping and can make INSAR be widely used. 
The phases of interferogram must be unwrapped for 
deriving DEMs, but phase unwrapping is known as the most 
difficult technique of INSAR. There are three main classes of 
phase unwrapping approaches: Branch-cut methods, LS (Least 
Square) methods and other methods. 
a) Branch-cut methods: These algorithms attempt to isolate 
phases of error prior to integration. The basic idea is to unwrap 
the phase by choosing only paths of integration that lead to 
self-consistent solutions (R. M. Goldstein, 1988). 
b) LS methods: These algorithms of phase unwrapping 
minimize the difference between the gradients of the solution 
and unwrapped phase in an LS sense. They include FFT/DCT 
Algorithm, PCG (Preconditioned conjugate gradient) Algorithm, 
c) Other methods: There are a lot of other methods for phase 
unwrapping, such as line detection Algorithm, knowledge 
intervention algorithm, etc. 
Al of the above phase unwrapping methods can resolve 
some problems caused by noises and sub-sample in some extent. 
but each of them has its flaw. Usually, they can unwrap the 
simulated phases successfully while cannot unwrap the practical 
phases, or they are available for some specific interferogram 
while not for others. 
The phase unwrapping methods are always based on the 
hypothesis as follows: The signal of SAR can make full samples 
to the ground terrain, and so the difference of phases between a 
pixel and the adjacent one is in the range of half cycle, that is the 
absolute value of phase difference is less then 7 . If there are 
not noises, phase unwrapping is very easy. In Figure 1(a), the 
ideal interferometric phases is shown. The phases change from 
0 to 27 , then rapidly to 0, and then 0 to 2 77 again. The 
periodicity of the phases is clear. In this condition, we can 
calculate the difference in vertical and horizontal directions, 
then we can unwrap the phase through integral along the two 
directions. However, there are a lot of noises in the 
inteferograms of INSAR, which can be caused by the system 
temperature, overlays and inaccurate matching, etc. The phases 
with the effect of noises are shown as Figurel(b), where, we can 
see that the periodicity is not so clear that the phase unwrapping 
is getting much difficult. 

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