International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
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a. The ideal phase og
b. The practical phase
Figure! The ideal phases and the practical phases
Most of the phase unwrapping methods are excellent
because of their comprehensive and complex considerations.
But the existence of noises usually makes them be unsuccessful
for all INSAR data. If there is no noise, the phases can be
unwrapped successfully even by the easiest and simplest
Algorithm. So, this paper pays more attention to the filtering of
interferogram before the processing of phase unwrapping, and
the successful phase unwrapping for the interferogram filtered
by vector filtering is realized by using region grow method
based on coherence image and on fake coherence image.
Vector Filtering
Coherence Image
Fake |
Coherence | 3 k
Image Filtered Interferogram
The Region
defined by
Region Grow
Phase Unwrapping
Unwrapped Phases
Figure2 The Flow of this phase unwrapping scheme
This paper presents the argument that the interferogram
filtering is a key technology in phase unwrapping because the
filtering can make it easy to succeed. So, a new phase
unwrapping schedule is presented with the idea. The
processing steps are shown in Figure 2. It includes two steps:
the vector filtering and the region grow phase unwrapping.
Firstly, the interferogram is filtered to high quality by the
method of vector filtering. Secondly, the filtered
interferogram is unwrapped successfully by selecting a
compatible gate value of coherence or of fake coherence with
region grow method.
3.1 Interferogram Filtering
The filtering of interferogram has great influence on phase
unwrapping, so this paper adopts the vector filtering method,
which is better than others. Several common filtering methods
for interferogram were analysed and compared in order to
show the advantages of vector filtering.
There are three interferogram filtering methods:
non-adaptive filtering method, adaptive filtering method and
multilooking filtering method.
| Non-adaptive filtering methods These methods
include mean filtering, median filtering, and so on. All of
them are effective for optical images, but not for INSAR
interferograms. These methods adopt some fixed windows for
filtering and can induce the distortion of phases due to the
periodicity character of interferogram not being considered.
In order to show the cases, some phases (they are presented
by 256 gray levels) in the window sized 3 by 3 at the fringe
edge are shown in Figure3a. If we adopt the mean filtering,
the phase of the pixel in center window is calculated:
8-5È La, -78- Where, gi; is the phase of pixel
i=l zl
(ij ).
But the phase considered the periodicity of the fringe
should be calculated by the phases modified according to the
ati id (The
feature of interferogram, that is: Le =
i=] j=l
phases modified are shown in Figure3b).
114 16
14 | 40 | 239 jd
3. 1-0 .1 225 3.19 1-30
77 | 26 | 13 742 | 18
7 6
Figure3a the raw phases Figure3b the phases modified
In the same way, if we adopt the median filtering method,
the result phase filtered is: g — median{g, } z 26 but
if considered the periodicity, it should be:
g = median{g’} =13 . In the above formula,
median( } presents the calculation of getting the median
phase in the filtering window.
From the results of mean filtering and median filtering, we
can see that they are not fit for the filtering of interferogram.
LJ Adaptive Filtering method ( Jong-Sen Lee,1998) This
method is aiming at the orientation of the fringe, and uses
directionally dependent windows to filter noises along the
fringes. It selects one of the 16 window plates, whose
direction is most fit for the fringe. It's better than the above
Non-adaptive filtering methods, but it requires phase
unwrapping in the operating window before filtering and
phase rewrapping after filtering. What's more, it has to do a
lot of work to select the directional window plate. So it is not
so effective for filtering of interferogram because of difficulty
of phase unwrapping and its slow processing
| Multilooking Filtering method It is a common
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