Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

stanbul 2004 
es filtered by 
erived from 
igure 7a-7f. 
gram Filtered by 
ered interferogram 
tive Filtering 
ferogram Filtered 
ean Filtering 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 7c interferogram Figure 7d interferogram 
filtered by Median Filtering filtered by Adaptive Filtering 3 : : 
5 3 3 4 1 ; 0006038 UM e rM ew E d 
P DE Figure8c Interferogram filtered by Figure8d Fake Coherence 
Vector Filtering Image 
Figure 7e interferogram filtere Figure 7f interferogram 
by Multi-looking Filtering filtered by Vector Filtering 
The above results of different filtering methods show 
that the Multi-looking filtering and the Vector filtering are s bs d 
better than others. Especially, the vector filtering method Figure8e The Unwrapped Result 
has the virtue of fast processing speed and easy to realize. based on Fake Coherence image 
So, we unwrapped the phase of interferogram filtered by 
vector filtering based on the coherence image and on the Figure 9a to Figure 9h show the phase unwrapping results of 
fake coherence one using region grow method. All the the interferograms in Figure 6f and 7f, which are filtered by 
fringes are successfully unwrapped. The raw interferogram, vector filtering. 
coherence image, take coherence image, filtered fringe and 
phase unwrapping result are shown in Figure 8a-Figure 8e. 
Figure9a The fringe Figure9b fake coherence image 
in Figure 6f 
Figure8a raw interferogram Figure8b Coherence Image T of ^ 
Figure9c unwrapped result Figure9d unwrapped region 

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