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Chun Wang, Yong Hu, Vincent Tao
GeoICT Lab, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto M3J 1P3 - (chunwang, vhu, tao)
KEY WORDS: Lidar, Obstruction Identification Surface, Identification, Risk Model. Impact Analysis
The air safety is critical to the national security and economy. The aeronautical community has recognized the need for accurate 3-D
geospatial information in and around the airfield to identify obstructions, specifically for accurate runway positions, obstruction
locations and heights, and topography around airfields. In this paper, we present an approach to identify the airfield obstructions and
model the risks by using advanced airborne lidar processing techniques. Airfield objects required for the analysis of the obstruction
identification surface (OIS) are digitized from the aerial imagery and the topographic map, and their heights are derived using lidar
data and the lidar-derived DTM. The 3-D OISs are created for runways to identify airfield obstructions based on the latest safety
specification. À risk modeling approach is developed to classify the obstructions into three risk levels by combining four risk factors
in a multi-criteria evaluation to assist decision-making in managing the airfield obstructions. The result is a risk-rating map that
illustrates the high-, median-, and low-risk obstructions in 3-D. The presented approach is of important value to the examine whether
their airfields meet the new safety specification.
On April 3", 1996. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, 32
business executives, and US military personnel were killed in a
plane crash in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This crash led US congress
passed the Ron Brown Initiative in 2000 to survey glide slope
obstructions on the approaches to some 7200 airports in the
United States and an undetermined number of airports,
worldwide. For a distance of 14km on each end of each runway,
and for a specified distance around the entire airport complex,
the geolocation and surveyed heights of all objects (building,
trees, light poles, antennas and towers, power lines, and other
physical features) must be recorded (Morain, 2001).
The aeronautical community has recognized the acute need for
accurate 3-D geospatial information in and around the airfield
critical to flight safety, specifically for accurate runway
positions, obstruction locations and heights, and topography
around airfields. Knowing the location of an aircraft is only
half of the solution. To bring an aircraft safely onto the runway
with little else than satellite navigation, the pilot will need very
accurate and reliable geodetic “coordinates for the landing
runway. Currently, pilots are still expected to use conventional
navigation aids or visual contact to direct the aircraft to the
Airborne lidar is suitable for collecting accurate terrain data
and providing feature information for airport safety
management. In addition to identifying obstructions and
designing approach procedures, pilots will be able to use the
generated 3-D airfield models for flight training, pre-flight
flythrough familiarizations, as well as increasing overall
aircrew situational awareness relating to mission planning. The
airfield initiative document (AID) is a newly published
specification for airfield obstruction identification (NIMA,
2001). It describes the use of 3-D OISs to survey glide slope
obstructions, and puts new requirements for a safer flying
environment. “The OIS consists of several surfaces with certain
dimensions related to a specific runway approach, including
primary surface (PS), approach surface (AS), primary/approach
transitional surface (P/ATS), inner horizontal surface (IHA),
conical surface (CS), outer horizontal surface (OHS), and
conical/outer horizontal approach transition surface
(C/OHATS)" (NIMA, 2001). When approaches share the exact
surface, only one OIS is required. An obstruction is any object
that penetrates an OIS, except where no obstruction penetrates
the OIS; it shall be the highest object within the area. The
obstructions are often extracted from photogrammetric and
survey data. In addition, to avoid airport incursion, the surface
of vehicular traverse ways (SVTW) is also needed (NIMA,
"The geospatial data required for obstruction identification
around an airfield include the airfield elevation model (AEM),
airfield features, and different combinations of the highest, the
most penetrating, the highest approach and the highest non
man-made obstructions/objects tor analyzing each type of OIS
surface” (NIMA, 2001). The AEM is in one arc second spacing
each post having an absolute vertical accuracy of «30.0 meters
with respect to reflective surface. This vertical accuracy is
required throughout the entire project area except for those
posts that fall within the primary, primary approach and
primary/approach transitional surfaces (NIMA, 2001). Airfield
features, such as runway ends, must be surveved to achieve
high accuracy, for example, 0.3 m CE90 (circular error) and
0.07 m LE90 (linear error) for runway points. The required
accuracy within OIS is lower. For example, within the PS, it is
6 m CE90 horizontally and ! m LE90 vertically for the highest
obstruction and the highest non man-made obstruction/object in
each 912-m section of the primary area on each side of the
runway. The required accuracies for other surfaces are normally
The study airport, Santa Barbara Airport, was selected by US
Department of Transportation and Airfield Initiative Remote
Sensing Technologies Evaluation Project as initiated case study
followed by several site selection criteria (TRB, 2002):