Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

l. Small to moderately sized airfield 
2. Proximity to partners 
3. Obstructions 
4. Interest from airport administration 
The city — Santa Barbara situated in a coastal valley between 
the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The airport is 
located on west of the citv. Santa Barbara airport has three 
runways (see Figure 1). One is in east-west direction; another 
two are in the direction from southeast to northwest. At the 
north part, there are hills with varying heights. There are only a 
few large buildings around the airport, and most residential 
buildings are both smaller and lower than forested clusters. The 
airfield features are surveyed in field, including runway 
polygon and end points, taxiway, touchdown zone, overrun stop 
way, apron hardstand, buildings, roads, inland water areas, 
airfield elevation points, and many obstructions. The lidar 
dataset covers only the areas within the IHS. It consists of 11.3 
million first-return lidar points covering an area of 26 km. The 
terrain relief is from 0.31 m to 148.51 m. An aerial color digital 
orthorectified quadrangle (DOQ) with a 1-m GSD covers the 
whole airfield. 
Figure 1. Study area — Santa Barbara Airport 
3.1 Overview 
The first step of the project is to identify airfield obstructions 
by extracting physical features from Lidar and complying with 
NIMA's Airfield specification. As airborne Lidar systems have 
the capability on acquiring digital surface models (DSMs) with 
high accuracy, and transforming the datasets (scattered 3D 
points) into grid-base range, the digital terrain models (DTMs) 
can be generated by using Lidar Expert, which is a toolkit for 
automated information extraction from lidar data (Hu and Tao, 
2004a). Then, the digital non-terrain model (DNM) is produced 
by subtracting the DTM from the lidar DSM (Hu and Tao, 
2004b), and represents all these non-terrain objects including 
vegetation, buildings and other man-made object, upon a flat 
reference plane. 
Since last-return lidar data is not provided, it is impossible to 
reliably distinguish buildings from forested areas solely using 
shape measures. So the potential obstructions are digitized in 
2-D manually, and then Lidar Expert is used to extract their 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
heights from raw lidar data. After removing all the digitized 
man-made objects from the DNM, we get the vegetation height 
model (VHM), which is the representation of the remaining 
objects such as trees and bushes. 
Next all OIS surfaces are created according to NIMA Airfield 
Initiative Document. As mentioned before, objects that protrude 
the OIS or the highest one within one surface regard as 
obstructions. In order to find all potential obstructions, one of 
GIS spatial tools, the index model (Lo and Yeung, 2002), is 
used to generate an obstruction map with three indication levels. 
The highest one means all obstructions in this level must be 
removed immediately for the purpose of protecting the National 
Aviation Infrastructure. The medium means trees, buildings, or 
other physical objects maybe potential obstructions and need 
observe periodically. The low means all objects in this level are 
safe to the airfield. Inside the index model, four OIS-related 
factors are used: distance to the center line of each runway and 
its extent, location of objects related to the OIS, type of objects, 
and penetration related to the OIS. The weights of factors are 
determined by Saaty Methods. After reclassifving and 
calculation, the final obstruction map is generated. 
3.2 Workflow 
In Figure 2, a cartographic model (Michael, 2000) illustrates 
the workflow of the project. The first part is lidar data 
processing. It uses filters to generate the DSM, applies image 
processing and interpolation algorithms to generate the DTM 
and the DNM. The second part is to digitize buildings and 
residential areas manually on the aerial DOQ. The forested 
areas are obtained by subtracting buildings and residential areas 
from the DNM. The third part is to create seven OIS surfaces, 
and to digitize bridges, rivers, and roads inside the SVTW. The 
fourth part is to do geometric correction and bilinear 
interpolation for scanned topographical map. The new map is 
used as airfield background. The fifth part is to merge all the 
features together. Objects extending the OIS should be recorded 
as airfield obstructions. To help airport managers make a 
priority decision for obstructions, four new attributes are added. 
After doing spatial analyses, deriving weights, the finally 
classified obstructions are identified by raster calculation and 
are visualized in 3D. 
3.3 Data Processing 
3.3.1 Generation of the DTM and DNM: The direct products 
of Lidar scanning are DSMs that are formed by the point clouds 
returned from the top of the Earth’s surface partly covered by 
manmade or natural ground objects. At beginning, the raw 
Lidar point clouds are filtered to discard outliers or blunders, 
which have too low or too high elevation values or very large 
intensity values that do not match their surroundings. A median 
filter is adopted in this step, because it is useful for removing 
noise from the original image, especially shot noise by which 
individual pixel are corrupted or missing. It selects the central 
value from the lowest to the highest (Jensen, 1996). 
The final DTM is derived by applying a hierarchical terrain 
recovery algorithm (Hu and Tao, 2004). The algorithm 
identifies terrain points by finding local minima and other 
topographic points, and recovers the terrain surface in a 
coarse-to-fine manner. First, after screening the blunders, the 
scattered 3-D points are transformed into a grid-based range 
image by sclecting the point of lowest elevation in each grid. 
Then, an image pyramid is generated. The top-level image is 
hypothesized to be a coarse DTM if its grid size is larger than 
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