Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 9. Top View (top) and end view (bottom) of 2D OISs 
Figure 10a. 3-D OIS with geometrically corrected map 
Figure 10b. 3-D View of Draped OIS (Separated Layers) 
3.5 Datasets Merger 
Table 1 list all the features digitized within the IHS. For the 
convenience of processing, these features are overlaid and 
merged together to create a new map. The measured features 
and extracted data include all the required data for the OIS 
analysis and their accuracies are better than the accuracy 
required for obstruction identification. 
Features # of objects 
Buildings 1120 
Residential Areas 533 
Recovered Towers 3 
Tree Areas 233 
Airfield Features 1? 
Roads (7) 
Rivers (2) 
Ponds (1) 
Bridges (2) 
SUM 1890 
Table 1. Digitized airfield objects within HIS 
Al the digitized airfield objects that protrude the OISs are 
identified to support a safe flying environment. These 
identification results can help airport managers to check if their 
airfields meet the new safety requirements. To provide a clear 
view of the priorities of airfield obstructions to airport 
managers, the identified obstructions are classified into three 
risk categories by assessing risk index scores. A R/ is computed 
for each obstruction as a weighted sum of four risk factors, 
each corresponding to evidence upon which the risk evaluation 
is based. A larger RI score implies that the obstruction is more 
dangerous. The equation reads: 
RI obstruction wR, + wok, wW3R; ! wR, 
wirt. www tw = (1) 
where R; is the risk score of factor / (1 to 4); w; is the weight of 
factor i. The higher the weight, the more influence a particular 
factor will have in the index model. Each risk factor is assessed 
a score within the range of | to 5 as shown in Table 2. 
: Low Median High 
Risk levels 
1 2 3 1 s 
Distance (m)  « 2286 = 1000 600 300 100 
Location ES PS E AS 
: Residential Objects within Towers, 
Type Mountains P. rees 
houses SV TW buildings 
OHS. i c SAS. IHs. 
Protrusion N/A PS. CS 
Table 2. Risk levels of four risk factors 
Four risk factors are evaluated to take into account distance, 
location, type and protruding condition as described below: 
- Distance factor A, is measured by the distance of an 
obstruction from the centerline of a runway. The risk levels 
are determined by the distance from the HIS laver within 
2,286 meters. 
- Location factor R, is measured by the position of an 
obstruction related to OIS. Different OIS layers are assigned 
with different risk levels. 
- Type factor R; is measured by the obstruction types, 
including buildings, trees. houses, mountains etc. For 
example, buildings are more dangerous than trees. 
- Protrusion factor R, is the measurement of the protruding 
condition. An obstruction protrudes any OIS has a risk level 

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