Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 Interna 
Figure 6. RadarSat image in Dali 
In this area, experiment has been down by ortho and polynomial 
rectification on the same image by the same ground control 
points. The accuracy of the former is about 2.8 pixels, and the hi 
latter 44.4 pixels. The most elevation difference of the ground In this | 
control points is about 2972 meters. has bee 
: Figure 9. Comparing two corrected images with the original displac 
image(The first one is the original image; the second, theory. 
result of polynomial rectification; the third, result of superio 
orthorectification). From tl 
space t 
4.3 Experiment on airborne SAR image Orthorectification SAR ! 
Site: Yanqing region, Beiling 
Flight height: 4300m 
Original slant rang: 11252m 
Resolution: 1.25m 
Result accuracy: Keong, 
Error X: 3.4 pixels Procee 
Error Y: 3.5 pixels and GT 
Distance error: 4.9 pixels Kuala | 
Figure 7. ortho-image of Dali 
Comparing formula (3) with (4), we find that the accuracy of the Report 
latter is better than that of the former by 0.1 pixel. The result by “Ortho 
formula (4) is: Fine M 
Error X: 1.4 pixels Model’ 
Error Y: 1.7 pixels gisdeve 
Distance error : 2.2 pixels Apr. 2( 
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Figure 8. Dali Error distribution figure 
(a) The original image (b) ortho-image 
Figure10. [Images of Yanging 

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