Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
On building edges, two points within a few centimeters could 
have a great height jump since one might be on the ground and 
the other one is on the roof. Such outliers were detected based 
on the statistical interpretation of the computed discrepancy and 
mainly on the computed standard deviation of the 
discrepancies. Consequently they were deleted from the data 
set to eliminate their influences. The test started with points 
within 0.05m or less. Then in order to include more points in 
the computation and strengthen the results, the planimetric 
distance constraint was increased to include points within 
0.10m and 0.25m. However, changing the planimetric distance 
and including more points did not change the discrepancy 
average in all overlapped regions. Figure 3 summarizes the 
behavior of the computed mean relative height offset between 
adjacent strips. 
As expected, the histograms (for example see figure 4) show 
that the relative height discrepancy between adjacent strips has 
a random normal distribution. However, the mean of 
discrepancies is not stationary and does not equal zero. In the 
first. four overlapped regions the discrepancy was within 
+0.04m. Then the average discrepancy between strips (5-6, 6- 
7, 7-8, 8-10, 10-11, and 11-12) seems to increase up to 0.10m 
with a negative sign since the discrepancy was computed by 
subtracting the height of the right strip from the height of the 
left strip. Then in the last two overlapped regions (12-13 and 
13-14) the discrepancy dropped to —0.06m. Therefore the 
discrepancy shows a systematic behavior. It shows a trend with 
time (North-South direction) since the strips where ordered on 
the time they were scanned (strip ! was the first one to scan and 
strip 14 was the last). This trend was observed in all the 13 
overlap regions that were tested. Figure 5 shows the relative 
height discrepancy along the North-South direction in the 
overlapped region between the 1% and the 2™ strip. It also 
shows the short period variation overlaid on the trend which is 
the long period variation. In general those offsets are not purely 
as a result of height differences at exactly correspondening 
points in the two strips since they are not error free in 
planimetric positioning. Consequently, due to this planimetric 
uncertainty the compared points might not have the same exact 
planimetric position and this miss correspondence may 
contribute to the height offsets. This correlation between height 
and planimtric offsets is more significant in sloping surfaces. 
i Calculated discrepancy in the overlapped regions i 
+ _ Uncertainty of the computed discrepancy { 
Height diecrepancy m 
| i A 
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 
Overlapped region 
Figure 3: Mean Relative discrepancy behavior between 
adjacent strips, where the x-axis represents the 
overlap region (where ] is the overlap region 
between strip | and 2) 
450 [——— : : : p re 
350 - | J 
Counts per bin 
sol | 
| | 
A ul 
-0.6 = 
| li. eid 
0.2 0.4 
Quantized height difference (m) 
Figure 4: Histogram of the relative height discrepancy between 
the 1* strip and the 2" strip. 
calculated discrepancy | 
06k | —— Fitted spline H 
|. Zero discrepancy line | 
e N 
Vertical disrepancy (m) 
500 5 1000 1500 pe ODD 
Northing + 574000 (m) 
Figure 5: Relative height discrepancy in North-South direction 
(overlap region between the 1* and the 2" strip). 
Firms that work in collecting data usually publish a fixed 
number for the uncertainty of their data. However, these 
numbers are usually not verified by the users. This is due to the 
fact that this is not a simple task. Correspondence between laser 
data points and ground points is not a straightforward matter. 
The absolute offsets can be found by measuring the location on 
the ground of a point or feature of a known coordinates in the 
data set and compare the two measurements. So in order to 
evaluate the data set used in this research, a ground survey was 
conducted on an area with particular specifications. A large 
tennis field, which contains 10 tennis courts, and a flat football 
field adjacent to it represent the selected test area, as shown in 
figure 6. The selected area has two main useful characteristics. 
First, area is flat and horizontal with almost no significant slope 
over the tennis courts. This enables the examining of pure 
height accuracy since the flatness of the surface rules out any 
planimetric uncertainty effects. Second, the presence of 
drainage ditches around the field facilitates the computation of 
the planimetric accuracy. The selected area covers a full swath. 
An intensive control network over the test area was established 
using static Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). 
This network was designed to serve the typical topographic 
survey over the test area. After establishing the necessary 
control around the selected test area, an intensive topographical 
survey was conducted. More than 400 points were collected 
over that area. Collected points were concentrated mostly at the 
critical features such as ditches surrounding the tennis courts. 
Figure 6 shows the collected ground points over the test area. 
Those points were then used to establish the correspondence 
with the laser data based on the spatial positions and 
5.1 Abs 
A buffet 
around c 
points ir 
laser dat 
data poi 
data, the 
slope of 
two data 
the diff 
points in 
by 0.088 
ground r 
real stan 
8 B BH B 
Northing * 574000 m 
3 " 

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