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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004
consequently the — absolute — planimetric
accuracy was
5.1 Absolute height accuracy
A buffer zone (with a width of one meter) was constructed
around each ground data line and the corresponding laser data
points inside that buffer zone were identified. Then for each
laser data point that lies within a meter or less from two ground
data points, the corresponding height point with the same
planimetric position was interpolated from the surrounding
ground-surveyed points. Since the points are near by and the
surface is flat, a linear interpolation was used. In order to
minimize the effect of the planimetric uncertainty of the laser
data, the interpolation was limited to totally flat areas. The
slope of those areas was restricted to not exceed 1095. Direct
differencing is then applied to compute the offset between the
two data points from the laser and ground (the laser height was
subtracted from the ground interpolated height). More than a
thousand differences were computed. Figure 7 shows the
histogram of those differences. The histogram shows a bias in
the differences of -0.088m with a standard deviation of
+0.082m. That means that the average height of the laser data
points included in the test are higher than the surveyed ground
by 0.088m. The total computed RMSE of the test data from the
ground reference was about 12cm. This number represents the
real standard deviation of the LIDAR data heights.
Northing * 574000 m
380 400 420 440 ABO 450 500 520 540
zasling + 913000 m
Figure 6: Surveyed ground points over the test area and
Selected locations for the planimetric accuracy computation.
Counts per bin
a -03 -02 -01 0 oium 02 5 703
Quantized height diff. in m (Surveyed Height - LIDAR Hieghts)
Figure 7: Height differences histogram between the laser height
and the ground height.
5.2 Absolute planimetric accuracy
Planimetric offsets are more complicated to determine since
they require especially significant features to establish the
correspondence between the two data sets. Such features and
locations for estimating the offsets may not be available or
when they exist are usually limited. Moreover, identifying these
locations is costly in time and requires great care in order to be
reliable. Drainage ditches, terrain curvature, and building gable
roofs are some examples of such features.
Eight locations as shown in figure 6 were identified and
successfully used in obtaining the planimetric accuracy. Six of
those locations were used to compute the offset in the X
(Easting) direction and the other two were utilized to compute
the offset m the Y (Northing) direction. Offsets in the X
direction were given more attention since they coincide with
the scanning direction. In each of these locations the data points
from both data sets, LIDAR and ground, were identified as
shown in figure 8(a). From each set, an estimated curve using
least squares fitting was constructed (green solid line for the
LIDAR points and red solid line for the ground points)
representing the available data as shown in figure 8(b). The
idea here is to match these two curves and obtain the shift that
will maximize the match. Prior to that, the height bias should be
removed in order exclude its effect in the matching. In figure
8(b) the green dashed curve represents the LIDAR data after
removing the height bias between the two data curves.
To get the best match between the two curves, the LIDAR data
curve will be shifted gradually around the ground data set in the
direction of the computed offset (X as in figure 8). The shift
ranged from —2m to +2m with an increment of 0.01m. At each
increment, the offset (in the intended direction X or Y) of each
ground point and its interpolated-correspondence point from the
LIDAR curve data is computed. The sum of the squares of
these offsets is considered as the matching cost at each location.
Figure 8(c) shows the matching cost function behavior with
respect to different shift values. At the minimum matching cost,
which is associated with the best match between the two
curves, the correspondence shift is obtained. Figure 8(d) shows
the original data curves, after removing the height bias, and
alter the planimetric shift.