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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
LIDAR heights over the test area is about +0.20m which is
slightly larger than the published height standard deviation of
the system (+0.15m). Regarding the planimetric accuracy, the
computed offsets in the scanning direction over the test area
show two main outcomes. First, the planimetric uncertainty is
larger (almost double) at the end of the swath than at the
middle. So in general, the planimetric accuracy seems to vary
based on the location along the swath width. At the end of the
swath width the average offset was about 0.60m, while at the
middle it was about 0.30m. The second outcome is that the
whole strip seems to be shifted in the easting direction since all
the computed offsets have the same direction.
Both accuracies, relative and absolute, show two types of
variation. The first variation form is the short period random
variation which has a high frequency with time. This random
variation seems to represent the actual precision of the LIDAR
system. The other variation form is the long period variation or
“a trend”. This trend has a much lower frequency and seems to
be as a result of the error in the positioning system. If this trend
is modeled and the data is adjusted accordingly, the accuracy of
data will be improved. Testing more samples that cover
different parts with a longer period of time is needed to verify
these conclusions.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support for this
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