International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
interpolation, smoothing and as a last step burning proper
elevations in. Except for the sea surface, only a small part of the
edited as in Figure 5.
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Figure 5 Failed areas and blunders in the extracted DEM
2.34 DEM Geo-coding
After completing the editing, extracted DEM is transferred to a
geo-coded UTM file. File is geo-coded using the information
from the model segment. The research area takes place in zone
35 raw S of UTM projection systems. European Datum 1950
(ED50) parameters are used for geo-referencing (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Geo-coded DEM generated from RADARSAT FI-F5
stereo pairs
The model is derived from ground control points collected
previously, the ephemeris and the orbital data from the satellite,
and from the knowledge of the Earth size and the shape. The
accuracy of the model depends mostly on the accuracy of
GCPs. The acquisition of GCPs from SAR imagery is difficult
as the radar sensor response to ground relief and cover is very
different from the familiar optical sensors. To collect GCPs
homogeneously covering the stereo overlapping area and on the
altitudes of extreme elevations is very important. When
unexpectedly large Y parallax occurs, the only solution is to
acquire additional GCPs in the affected area.
Collecting GCPs are important also to remove the bias, or the
offset of a DEM. In order to match the actual terrain
coordinates, bias is removed. To measure absolute accuracy the
amount of vertical and horizontal shifts must be removed. Zero
offset is ideal which is aimed in this research by collecting
GCPs to correct the images. Besides acquiring GCPs in the
field with static GPS, a 1/ 25 0000 scaled reference digital map
is used. Reference map is generated by scanning 8 analog
topographic sheets obtained from the General Command of
Mapping. Topo sheets are first rectified, and a mosaic map is
generated. GCPs are collected from this mosaic map as well as
from other orthorectified images related to the research area.
2.4 Accuracy Assessment of Stereo RADARSAT DEM
The absolute accuracy is a measure of the error between the
extracted DEM and the geographic coordinates of the actual
terrain. To assess the accuracy, a reference digital terrain model
(DTM) is generated from | 1/25000, scaled contour maps.
Planimetric accuracy of 1/25000 scaled maps are about 5 m,
and elevation accuracy is expected to be equal to one thirds of
elevation differences between contour lines. Since the contour
interval is 10m in 1/25000 scaled maps, the accuracy of the
reference DEM is assumed to be 3m, which is acceptable using
for the accuracy assessment of the elevations calculated from
stereo radar images. In order to calculate the difference of the
elevation models, the DTM is subtracted from the DEM using
subtraction model of PCI software.
Absolute accuracy is expressed as the vertical RMSE, or root
mean square error measured at geographic coordinates. Using
that disparity map (Figure 7), standard deviations are calculated
first for the entire training area.
Figure 7. Elevation disparity map calculated as topographic
DEM (DTM) from radargrammetric DEM
It is observed that errors are in ascending character according to
the type of the terrain and the slope (Figure 8), (Table 3). In
order to increase the confidence level of the accuracy
assessment, the elevation accuracy of final DEM is evaluated as
a function of topographic surface. A digital slope model (DSM)
was computed from the topographic DEM (Figure 9). Accuracy
assessment is repeated for flat, moderate and mountainous areas
and histograms are evaluated separately. It is inferred from
mean, standard deviations and min/max errors that elevation
accuracy of stereo pairs decrease consistently as the slope
increases. It is determined that elevation accuracy and slope are
almost linearly correlated.
Greg Lk Vak
Figure 8. Error histograms for flat, slope and rough topography
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