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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
In the opposite direction, this value is under 10 (Lovas et al.
Figure | shows a cross section of the LiDAR strip, which is a
view about the cross section at the centerline.
Figure 1. Cross section of the road with surroundings
In this paper we present three, different methods for vehicle
segmentation (Figure 2).
| Initial LIDAR data |
i Data filtering |
| Keep road points only |
Image preparation | Surface warping
Surfacing from rough 3D | Remove elevation, using | |
data, to a regular grid | interpolated plain
x s i em |
| 4 | ;
Thresholding |
Select points above the |
road surface |
Delanuay triangulation
Slope measurement
Labeling, based on
neigborhoods |
tet 2 AT TS
Get LIDAR points = ua Me —
Select original points, [ Classification |
correspond to labeling Create classes for each vehicle |
Figure 2. Data processing flowchart
In Figure | not only the road but also the surroundings
(vegetation. ground work, landmarks, transmission line and
vehicles) can be seen. First, we can easily detach the points not
belonging to vehicles. If the position of the centerline of the
road, and the number of lanes and their width are known, the
usable swath can be obtained.
If the centerline is not given. we can develop a semi-automatic
algorithm that is based on the cross sections. Roads are usually
located on embankments. We have to mark one cross section
and the road direction. then using the calculated parameters
from the sample section (height of the trapeze. angles and
lengths, road slope from centerline), and the basic properties of
the road (angle of slope - both for the long and cross direction,
curve radius). Then the same data for the next cross-section
should be calculated, close to the last one (e.g.. 10 meters).
Combining this with the original dataset we can decide whether
the calculation is right or not. If the calculations are correct, and
the matching is good, the middle position and the parameters of
the given cross-section can be recorded. If not. the same
calculation with the same parameters in a different position
should be performed (rotating by a small angle around the
middle point of the last recorded cross section ). If in this
position a properly matching cross section cannot be found. this
has to be ignored, and a shorter distance from the last recorded
one have to be used.
In order to perform vehicle extraction, we have to separate all
points above the average road height in a local environment.
We cannot accomplish that without knowing the road level at
every position of the vehicles or other objects (e. g.. vegetation).
Using a zone with a little bit smaller width than the sampling
density, we can ensure that only one point can fall inside. A
polyline connecting these points and the centerline represent the
road surface. This should not be very accurate because we use
only the first pulse reflected from the tops: the lowest part of the
vehicle is the engine hood, which is higher above the road than
the distance between the points (Figure 3.). All points above
that surface possibly belong to a vehicle. This new set is the
basis for our further examinations.
x 10
Fieure 3. Test data in 3D: rear and front view
In case of sloping roads the same height could represent a road
and also a vehicle. In order to identify vehicles more easily we
have to compensate for the slope of the road. The centerline of
the road is given or being calculated only horizontally. In
Figure 4, the sampled point heights are shown along the
centerline. The long section of the road is shown, where the
sloping angles are different, but can be approximated with lines
segments (marked in red). Decreasing all point height to the
value of the regression line, at the point's horizontal position
this goal can be achieved (Pitas 2000)