Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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and algorithms are used. This allows us to correctly 
compare them in order to assess the statistical validity 
and crosscheck the accuracy of the both types of data. 
- Laser scanning data are much more informative due 
to their ‘natural three-dimensionality’, that is they 
allow the morphology of the scene to be presented in 
greater detail, using automatic and semi-automatic 
methods among others. Yet: 
- In most cases, the use of aerial photography data and 
the methods of digital photogrammetry for their 
processing allow a better accuracy of geopositioning 
and geometric measurements as compared to the 
‘pure’ laser detection and ranging. Therefore the 
application of these two types of data in combination 
will result in improved geodetic accuracy of laser 
data. As of today, the accuracy of laser data is within 
15-20. em, which is insufficient for a number of 
important applications. 
Data obtaining capabilities of airborne survey equipment, 
laser scanners and digital cameras in particular, have been 
enhanced significantly in recent times. 
Thus, the last model from OPTECH Inc., ALTM3100 laser 
scanner, has a pulse frequency of 100 kHz and is capable of 
recording returns from each pulse emitted. This ensures a 
scanning density of up to 10 laser points per a square meter 
of the ground surface. At the same time, digital frame 
cameras with large arrays have become commercially 
available. Thus, an ULTRA CAM model from VEXCEL 
generates images of 11500 by 7500 pixels and offers a 
frame rate of 1.3 Hz. 
Such sophisticated data obtaining capabilities of modern 
airborne survey equipment create a favorable background 
for further improvement of algorithms aimed at the 
integration of laser scanning and aerial photography data 
because a high degree of detail provided by both types of 
data (density of laser points and high resolution of aerial 
photographs) allows the use of analytical methods for the 
purpose of integration rather than heuristic methods as it 
used to be. 
Geokosmos is a privately owned and operated Moscow- 
based topographical and surveying company established in 
1993 in Moscow. The company is reputed as a significant 
player on the Russian topographic and geodetic survey 
market, making use of digital land and aerial surveying 
technologies as well as 3D digital multipurpose modelling. 
Geokosmos focuses on three main lines of business: the 
provision of professional surveying services using laser 
scanning technologies, development of its own software 
products for various surveying applications and consulting 
and development of integrated laser scanning technologies. 
In 2001 Geokosmos successfully carried out the first 
Russian large-scale project involving the use of an aerial 
laser scanner for large-topographic survey and creation of a 
3D digital area model of over 340 sq km for a railway 
design based on the scanning results. It continued studying 
ground-based scanning systems, actively co-operating with 
producers and users, and a successful record of using these 
technologies resulted in further projects. 
The company has at its disposal two aerial laser scanners: 
Optech ALTM-2050 & ALTM-3100 with 50 and 70 kHz 
scanning frequencies and a significant number of Trimble 
GPS receivers, ProXR, tacheometers and ground-based 
laser scanners. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The company employs a full-time staff of more then ninety 
specialists: highly skilled, creative, young personnel within 
a strongly organised structure. In October 2002, an aerial 
surveying division was established. The new division is 
fully staffed with highly qualified graduate specialists 
having extensive experience and an impressive record of 
the application of airborne laser scanning systems both 
within Russia an in many other European and Latin 
American countries. Aerial laser scanning has since 
become a key line in the company's activity. 
At present Geokosmos clients include major Russian 
companies, such as OAO Gazprom, RAO UES, 
MOSAVTODOR and many others. Each of these is ranked 
high in its respective area. OAO Gazprom holds a huge 
monopoly in the Russian gas industry, which provides 25 
per cent of the national income. All Russian energy 
resources belong to RAO UES, the biggest Russian power- 
engineering company, which owns more than 370,000 km 
of power lines. 
Considering the application of the laser scanning method, a 
number of significant advantages can be mentioned that are 
provided by this method in contrast to other traditional 
- The efficiency of laser scanning is extremely high. A 
milestone of 500-600 km has been reached in practice 
during one day of aerial survey. It should be noted 
that the post-processing of survey data obtained using 
the laser scanning method normally takes as much 
time as the aerial survey itself, which allows survey 
data to be processed immediately in the field. In its 
turn it makes it possible to efficiently control the 
quality of survey data and redo survey work where 
necessary. It is obvious that laser scanning surpasses 
other traditional methods of aerial survey in 
performance, as those methods require intricate and 
time-consuming data post-processing. 
- Laser scanning does not require compilation survey 
for aerial survey data on the ground. The need to 
perform such operations may cause a serious problem 
for traditional survey methods, especially in remote 
and hard-to-reach areas. 
- . Traditional stereophotogrammetric methods, whether 
analytical or digital, ensure that scene components are 
measured with a high degree of accuracy. However, 
these methods do not allow the automatic 
reproduction of the shape of complex engineering 
facilities. Besides, the spatial location of wires and 
ropes makes it extremely difficult to apply 
stereophotogrammetric methods to measure sags, 
clearances and coordinates of suspension points, thus 
resulting in an unsatisfactory accuracy of such 
measurements. Since laser detection and ranging 
allows all components of the scene to be measured 
directly, it is absolutely free of the above constraints. 
Moreover, the computer-aided processing of primary 
laser data permits a very high accuracy of the above- 
mentioned parameters, for instance, sags can be 
measured with an accuracy of 5 to 7 cm. At the same 
time, the laser scanning method always generates a 
3D image of the object, ‘a cloud’ of laser points 
reflected from the surface of the object. The cloud 
itself considerably facilitates the visual analysis of the 
object’s shape and allows all primary geometric 
measurements to be taken with a standard level of 
accuracy offered by the method, i.e. 15-20 em. It is 

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