Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
for a successful RTK operation is the ability to transmit timely 
and reliably the reference station measurements to both rovers, 
where the integer ambiguity resolution is performed. 
2.2 Format of the reference station measurements 
The differential GPS message format plays a significant role in 
the reliability of any RTK operation since the induced data flow 
can overload the communication link that conveys the base 
station measurements to the rovers. The Radio Technical 
Commission for Maritime services (RTCM) was the first 
organisation to implement a standard structure for GPS 
corrections. Each RTCM message contains a. variable number 
of 30-bit words, of which the first two serve as the header. In 
the frame of real-time positioning, messages 18 and 19 are of 
primary interest, and the minimal amount of broadcasted data is 
quantified by: 
Flow [bps] = f x 2 x freq x (3 + 2 x N) x 5 (1) 
where f = measurement rate 
freq = 1 or 2, according to the mono or bi-frequency 
characteristic of the receiver 
N = number of satellites. 
However, it is necessary to note that the coordinates of 
reference station are also transmitted, yet at a slower rate than 
that of the corrections. Nine 30-bit words are necessary to 
describe the position of the reference station, which generates 
the peak output of: 
Flow [bps] 2 £x (2 x freqx (3. - 2x N) *9)x 5 ( 
Recently approved for public use, the CMR (Compact 
Measurement Record) message was developed by Trimble to 
deliver the corrections over communication lines of reduced 
bandwidth. In its most recent implementation, the CMR+, the 
position of the reference station is transmitted in separate 
segments instead of a single block, as is done with the RTCM 
message. The formula describing the peak output is: 
Flow [bps] = f x (6 + N x (8 + (freqg — 1) x 7) + 16) (3) 
À numerical example helps to illustrate these concepts. At the 
time of the signal reception of 7 satellites, at 5 Hz a dual- 
frequency receiver broadcasts at peak output: 
€ Sx(2x2x(3*2x7)t*9)x 57 I925 bytes/s = 15400 
bps of RTCM corrections, (4) 
e 5x (6+7x(8+10%x7)+ 16) = 635 bytes/s = 5080 bps 
of CMR+ corrections. (5) 
In order to limit bandwidth and thereby avoid the saturation of 
most of the communication lines, we will base our experiments 
on the RTK-CMR+ corrections. 
2.3 Transmission of GPS corrections via Internet 
The choice of a suitable format of corrections is only one aspect 
of the deployment of the GPS-RTK technique. Extreme 
attention should be paid to the means of broadcasting data, 
which must handle the high flow of GPS corrections required 
for the accurate determination of the vehicle trajectory in real 
time. Because of the increased capacity of the Internet, on-line 
radios, which output continuous streams of Internet Protocol 
(IP) packets, have become well-established services. Real-time 
GPS data transfer requires relatively little bandwidth compared 
to these applications. Consequently, the dissemination of RTK 
corrections over the Internet constitutes an interesting 
alternative to the use of point-to-point links inherent in the 
radio and cellular networks. 
2.4 NTRIP 
In the context of the European reference frame, the Federal 
Agency of Cartography and Geodesy of Frankfurt (Bundesamt 
für Kartographie und Geodäsie) has developed a real-time 
technique for the exchange of GPS data over the Internet 
(Weber et al., 2003). The method, named NTRIP (Networked 
Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) calls upon a 
substantial array of servers that allows the simultaneous 
connection of thousands of users (Figure 2). This feature, as 
well as the difficulty to implement our own services on a 
NTRIP server, has driven us to investigate the possibility of 
using a single workstation as a server of CMR- corrections. 
NTRIP client 1 ss NTRIP client n 
HTTP stream 
NTRIP broadcaster Telnet 
HTTP stream 
NTRIP server 1 NTRIP server x 
i serial link ! 
GPS receiver 1 - GPS receiver x 
Figure 2. The NTRIP architecture 
As the http port (TCP' 80) is generally not filtered by a 
firewall, such a server can be built with the assistance of 
software that converts a serial flow of GPS data into TCP/IP 
blocks. From the client side, the rovers can gain access to this 
source of CMR- messages, provided that they are connected to 
the Internet. The mobile PAorobus platform requires the use of 
GPRS, a radio data transmission service that uses packet 
switching on a cellular network. Data are structured in the form 
of TCP/IP patterns and are able to reach a maximum flow of 
171.2 kbps, which satisfies the bandwidth requirement 
expressed in formula 5. Nevertheless, a GPRS-compatible cell 
phone cannot transmit GPS corrections to a rover. In the case of 
a manual introduction of the server IP address, the cell phone 
web browser attempts to interpret the GPS corrections, which in 
turn causes the session to time out, thereby losing the GPRS 
The solution lies in the integration of a GPRS module that 
embeds several Internet communication protocols and converts 
the TCP/IP data stream back to a serial link. Thanks to such a 
peripheral, the rovers behave as if they were directly connected 
to the server by a serial cable (Figure 3). 
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