Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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Security Service Service Service Modeling & 
Stack Description Stack Discovery Stack Binding Workflow 
: Stack Staci 
(Publish) (Find) Stack 
(Bind) (Chain) 
Figure 2. The major web service standards 
Geospatial services are the services that handle the geospatial 
data and information (Di, 2004a). There are three major types 
of geospatial services: The data services, the value-add 
processing/client services, and the brokerage services. The data 
services provide the data to requestors. In the service concept, a 
requestor may be an application client that interacts with the 
human users directly or may be a middleware service that 
provides processing services to the data. 
The distributed geospatial services under SOA have been 
discussed by Di and McDonald 1999, Di 2004a, and OGC 
(Lieberman, 2003). First, we consider a granule of 
geoinformation (either a dataset, a query result, or 
geocomputation output which describes some aspects of Earth) 
to be a geo-object, which consists of data itself, a set of 
attributes (metadata), and associations with a set of methods 
(transformation and creation methods) that can operate on it. A 
geo-object stored at a data center is an archived geo-object. All 
geoinformation and knowledge products are derived from 
archived geo-objects. Thus, from object point of view, all 
processes for geo-information/knowledge discovery are the 
processes of creating new geo-objects from existing ones. 
If we consider a user request is a user-defined geo-object, or 
called user geo-object, the object is either an archived geo- 
object in a data archive or can be derived by executing geo- 
processing algorithm (e.g., unsupervised classification) with a 
set of input geo-objects. An input geo-object, if not exists in an 
archive, can be further derived. by executing a geo-processing 
algorithm with a set of input geo-objects and so on. The 
decomposition process will construct a geospatial process 
workflow tree, which we call a geo-tree. The construction of a 
geo-tree is a geospatial modeling process; and the geo-tree 
itself is a geospatial model that contains the knowledge of a 
specific application domain. With the geo-tree, we know how to 
produce the user-object although the object does not really exist 
in any archives. We call such geo-object the virtual geo-object. 
In fact, any sub-tree in the geo-tree is a virtual geo-object. Since 
a geo-tree only captures the workflow, not a specific product, it 
represents a type of geo-objects that it can produce, not an 
instance (an individual dataset). The virtual geo-object can be 
materialized on-demand for users when we have all required 
methods and inputs available. When user requests such an 
object, the user has to specify the geographic location, time, 
format, etc. Those specifications will instantiate the virtual geo- 
object. By propagating the specifications down to each node of 
the geo-tree, the whole geo-tree is instantiated. This process is 
called instantiation of geo-tree. Only by doing the instantiation 
we can know if the virtual geo-object can be materialized 
because in many cases the required archival geo-objects may be 
not available for the users-specified geographic region and 
conditions. After the instantiation, the geo-tree is executable in 
the system and the virtual geo-object can be produced. The 
production process is called the materialization of virtual geo- 
object, which will produce an instance of the virtual geo-object. 
The geo-object and geo-tree concepts can be implemented 
under the web service framework for automatically deriving 
user-requested geospatial information and knowledge. The geo- 
processing algorithm (method) in each node of a geo-tree can 
be implemented as a web service, which is called a geospatial 
web service module. The algorithm may only take care of a tiny 
step of overall geo-processing or may be a large aggregated 
processing. However, the service should be well defined, and 
has a clear input and output requirements, and can be executed 
independently. All those service modules can be reused in 
constructing different geospatial models. If we have enough 
elementary service modules available, we can construct any 
complex geospatial models by chaining those service modules 
A service chain is defined as a sequence of services where, for 
each adjacent pair of services, occurrence of the first action is 
necessary for the occurrence of the second action. When 
services are chained, they are combined in a dependent series to 
achieve larger tasks. From service point of view, a geo-tree is a 
complex service chain. The construction of geo-tree is a 
service-chaining processing. There are three types of chaining 
defined in ISO 19119 (ISO, 2001): 
o User-defined (transparent) — the Human user defines and 
manages the chain. 
o  Workflow-managed  (translucent)- the Human user 
invokes a service that manages and controls the chain, 
where the user is aware of the individual services in the 
o Aggregate (opaque) — the Human user invokes a service 
that carries out the chain, where the user has no awareness 
of the individual services in the chain. 
The geo-object and geo-tree concepts are currently being 
implemented in the GeoBrain system under the web service 
framework (Di, 2004a) The system uses the Open GIS 
Consortium (OGC) standards for the data finding and access, 
and OGC and W3C standards for the web services. It also 
leverages the new and ongoing development in the knowledge 
representation and management, especially the workflow 
GeoBrain is an open, interoperable, distributed, standard- 
compliant, multi-tier web-based geospatial information services 
and modeling system. This system can shorten the time required 
for geospatial information extraction from weeks to just minutes 
or seconds. At the back-end, the system accesses the multi- 
petabytes of remote sensing and other geospatial data available 
at NASA and other geospatial data centers. At the front-end, 
end-users are able to find and obtain geospatial products in the 
form that exactly matches their requirements so that the 
products are ready for integration and analysis. In addition to 
obtain the geospatial data and information with great easiness, 
the system also provide an interoperability framework and 
architecture, allowing end-users to develop individual 
geospatial web-service modules and to use these modules and 
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